Time Around
Can’t Tell A Book By It’s Cover
a Blog By It’s Title
a poem just heard, but never read.
sense suggests one might invest some time just to keep the ball
rolling. Read and decide if this is a blog spot suitable for you.
From author’s perspective flows a creative pursuit and you are the
readership and invited audience. He wants to please. Meet and give
you a reason to return. Simple mission statement. Please you.
Please return. Become blog friends. Be yourself. Read and Comment,
if you chose to do so.
Time Around is not a marriage blog, nor about divorce or separation.
Instead, is about my 2nd
stop on the blogging circuit. Just saying this requires some
backstory and interest-filler. Frosting On The Cake. Has been a
year or more since my last blog. Takes time and energy to blog
daily. Takes time to invest when reading a blog. And energy, too.
Two-party collaborative. Invest time and energy. In return get
something back that has value. Content provider and audience-reader
merge. Becomes one.
a comeback, nor a reckoning. To see this in print startles Mr.
Content Provider. First time around, he went by the name-identifier:
Stoney (blogger ). These days he is not sure if he should rename
and reinvent himself. Seems like when your first gig was a success
and they branded you. THE BAND. Something new in the neighborhood.
Digital neighborhood. 2006. Now the gig is over. The Band has
broken up. Gone separate ways.
a breath and realizes that disappearance is similar to death. Can’t
just stop blogging for a year, and then expect your audience to be
there. Has him thinking. Comeback or reckoning or something quite
different now.
“How to proceed.”
begin with reverse-order topic rendering. Mentioned come-back first.
Then reckoning. Clarity and detail comes next. Will work on
orientation and intention. Take a few moments to relate the
backstory and how it was, the first time around. Think. Sear’s
Catalog. Wish Book . 1910.
Reverse order. The Reckoning. Is startled to see this in print. Wonders
what he intends to say, and if this would be of interest to a reader.
Words in print have consequences, intended or accidental. Seems
familiar. Act 1 and he sees reckoning as an act or process of
calculating or estimating something. Flashback to something he knows
about himself. The old version. Stoney blogger was very
calculating. Thought about what he was doing a 100 times over, prior
to writing the first work or sentence or paragraph. Calculated.
Meant to be a staged-presentation.
Show Must Go On.”
Didn’t matter if it was true or pure-deception, slight-of-hand
word magic. Who said it had to be true. Calculated to get your
attention, keep you around for the length and duration of the
blog/essay. Fact or Fiction was irreverent. Come back tomorrow and
repeat. Entertainment Experience and also a writing exercise. In
the old days this is how it was. Just a show. Made for your
out-of-body excursion. Later, go home. Talk about it. Think about
it. Forget it. Unreal. Won’t marry you. Permanence Elusive.
idea of reckoning comes with multiple meanings that I will consider.
Act 1 – the reckoning. It is all calculated. Based on something.
For Stoney it was calculated on the idea that a daily blog was for
entertaining the reader. There was no thought of it being true.
Fragments of truth perhaps sifted thru implied universal personal
experience was there. Yet, like an actor taking on a role for the
purpose of a story-like entertainment package, once done he moved on.
An actor’s life like a content provider/writer is calculated. Is
the reader/audience that provides the attachment and seeks truth
about that which time is invested and the matter of personal reward
and benefits enters into all this.
2. Act 2 He didn’t think about this in 2006 when blogging was in
its infancy. Now he thinks about it. Reckoning as the avenging or
punishing for past mistakes or misdeeds.
thinks about it now. 2006 . Social media took the form of blogging.
Nobody knew for sure what it should be. For 10 years: 2006 to 2016
stoney blogger entertained those who came to read his blogs. And
then things changed. Social media changed. The people went away.
Stoney blogger stopped writing. The show was over. Something new
took its’ place.
a moment to consider all this. “Take a deep breath.”
I okay with this? Are You?”
to embrace his first stated idea. A Come-Back. Anchors this to the
title. 2nd
Time Around. Wonders if his time would be better used somewhere
else. Time passed. 10 years of blogging and it doesn’t seem to be
what people do in 2019. Stoney blogger no longer. Has become
someone different over time. Who will read what he writes? Old
school material by an Old Dude.
“Who will read his blog?”
seems to reflect the issue of leaving the presentation stage due to
failure. Failure to keep an audience like all of a sudden the people
were saying,
“Stoney Blogger. Who? Don’t know that one. Before
my time. Old School. Like Mom and Dad.”
intended to make blogging a popularity contest. But now see this:
The Reckoning as if it were contention for a place among the winners
of a contest. Never intended to be thrust into the reckoning.
Time Around and will revisit my Wish List. What is blogging all
about for me in 2019. Not the same as when first introduced to it in
2006. That is a long story I won’t go into now. Wish List.
Sear’s catalog in 1905. Ingrained with a material-physical lust,
and blogging is words on a screen that disappears with one click of a
mouse button. Costs the consumer very little. Almost free, yet we
know now. In social media they sell your personal information to
regain costs incurred. Almost free is a dubious distinction I won’t
go into now.
Time Around. Will I change? Blogger name and will it remain viable,
like a branded item, say: “Kraft Cheese.” Have a blog that has
not been used for over a year. Will add to it now and see what
transpires. 2019 and 2006 and I bear no illusion about social media
and how it benefit or imposed limitations. Write. Post. Might not
be daily, but that depends on intervention and inspiration derived
from the grand design: Original Creation. A favorite thought of

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