Middle of the week, and the people I look forward to seeing and talking to are all busy. Some are at work. Some are just missing, which means they have something better to do, than turn on their social media device and email or chat or voice/webcam flirt with people at a distance. And I see this as a welcomed break from the constant alerts that come to my screen, anytime somebody I don’t know, does something on google or facebook or Twitter. Yes, it is true. I could turn it all off. Disconnect and take care of the things I need to do, but then again, over the past 10 or more years, I have let this become me. Computers and the Internet have taken over. Newsprint and local newspapers and TV, have dropped away.

And little by little, we are left with banner headlines that mean less and less to me, as I withdrawal from the front line. Little by little I am pulling back, limiting how much time I devote to others, and in the vacuum that this act makes possible, I accept the fact that without you, life becomes more difficult. Life Without You. Maybe that should be the title of this blog. It isn’t. A Point Well Taken is my topic for today. And it points to the fact that something in my life or daily routine is missing. Is it blogging? Must I. Should I. Blog.

And comes about, because its winter now. The storms are more constant now. The holidays are over. Football season, for all intents and purposes is over, unless you are a Denver Broncos fan, or in that rare bird case, like me: A Seattle Seahawks fan. And so I write. And it has a trickle down effect. Read and Write and chuckle at the way, this all becomes entertainment on a cold and dismal day in the heart of winter. A Point Well Taken. Perhaps.

I knew this would happen. It is a quiet morning and I am tucked away, far away where the sun doesn’t shine. No I am not suggesting that discomfort or silly ass we find on Twitter or Facebook, or in the headlines. Of course if you have no idea what I speak about, there might be a good reason. Like, A Point Well Taken, you might be unplugged and driving to work, making the commute, alone with others in your car, or on the subway, or just walking to work. Millions are out there, and work is what they do, to put food on the table. But most are not unplugged. Is the new world we life in. Earplugs and cell phone and smart screens. Never alone.

And maybe that is how we like it. Not sure. I am a loner. Not a loaner, as in the car you are given to drive to work, when your car breaks down. Loner, as in set apart and far away from all those things you really care about. Friends on the Internet. Work. Family. More money. A Point Well Taken. I am none of the above. I am Stoney. The blogger who seldom blogs anymore. Perhaps forgotten, perhaps not. He did say, long ago: " When winter comes, I will blog more." And so at least for now, that self-fulfilling prophecy has come true. How wonderful. Well, maybe.
A Point Well Taken.

Here I am. Tucked away. Warm and Cozy. With music. With computer turned on. Sipping tea. Starting a morning ritual that takes away the feeling of loneliness, that has engulfed me, ever since I decided to Unplug. Unplugged and forced to find something else to do, rather than live online reading what Richard Sherman has to say. "Richard who?" And I laugh. Maybe you are not. Seattle Seahawks and now seeking attention from the rest of the world. "Far Away. Winter in the clouds and cold. Miserable. Without you." And its our time to shine. Sure it is only football, and it is February 2nd we are looking ahead to. Super Bowl. And you say, "Who cares?" And this brings me back into my day. It is true.
A Point Well Taken.

Who cares? Seattle Seahawks. Denver Broncos. Mountain places and in the heart of winter, not the perfect place to be. Remote and Distant. Who cares? If I pretend to be unplugged. The major point of going public with my private thoughts, is to get it out. Just say it. Without you, there is something missing. And is this important or another blinking light on the screen, reminding us we should be careful about what we click on, online. Identity Theft. And you tell yourself. "Don’t want to be that guy. Boring. Boring." Click. Click. And run away. For now. Be well, all. Something is missing in my life, and I wonder: "Is it you?" A Point Well Taken. Perhaps. Well, maybe. Have a good day. Now back to my regular state.

I miss You too. But that You is perhaps someone never to be found. Perhaps we never find them in those around us even given the world internet. The extreme position is as follows but it's good to chat along the way.
ReplyDelete"Do you want to know what joy is? Do you really want to know? Then listen. It's nighttime, it's raining, I'm hungry, I'm outside, I knock on the door of my house, I say it's me, and they don't let me in. I spend the night at the door of my house, in the rain, famished. There it is, that's joy. Let whoever can understand understand. Let whoever wants to hear hear. Joy is never again being home, being always outside, weakened by everything, hungry for everything, being everywhere in the out-of-doors......"
From 'The Very Lowly' by Christian Bobin