In many ways this will be a satirical blog. At least I envision it could be, funny and whimsical. I think it comes with the subject, pretty women. Miss Pretty. And is a code phrase for me. Reminds me how I am a nerd, now and then. Started out as a Woody Allen prodigy. Got lots of girls hitting on me, because they saw Woody on the big screen. Neurotic. NYC. All that and more. A talented guy, and they thought I might be like that. Never was. Got distracted easily. Wandered off. The Hunt and The Chase, and I would drop into a bookstore and come out the otherside, feeding my fantasy-side and not paying enough attention to Miss Pretty, to keep her around for very long. We could write a whole blog about pretty women, but it is so unnecessary. Young and Pretty.

And replacement therapy works. We get older. Never forget those one night stands with Miss Pretty, but then that’s all there is. One and Done. Miss Pretty. Shirley. Surely, as I write this, you can hear the echo response. "Are you kidding me.?" And that is why this is my attempt at being funny. Comes when she said, "Are you crazy….it’s hot here!!! " And she, not me: could have easily said, "I’m hot here. Pay attention." All follows from a blog I wrote recently. Winner in Winter. And is a contrast in place and style. And so this a follow up. Miss Pretty. My blog for today.

I am in the mood. Miss Pretty gets me in the mood. Taunting. Basic challenge. Being with a beauty, or just mentally being in a beautiful place. Been there and done that. Experience and once or twice have seen Miss Pretty with her makeup off. Natural and private. And it always impresses me, we all are human. And did write a blog about winter and it being cold in New York City and surrounding area, where the Super Bowl will be played. Miss Pretty will play you. Be a challenge from the moment you ask, "Can I buy you a drink?" And even with the cold and bundled up, in Times Square and in the surround, she is there. Miss Pretty. Where there are cameras, there are some that just stand out. Gets me in the mood. I am ready.

Some are just truly competitive and talented at the same time. Hate to lose. Like the physical. And was reading about John Elway, the super QB from Denver fame, now the GM of the Broncos. And when I read this, "…… John Elway can be a very hard friend to have." Immediately Miss Pretty came to mind, and for a moment I was going to not post this blog. Figuring enough has already been written and said about the Super Bowl 2014. But then she did it again. Miss Pretty inspired me, when she went public and said, " No way Stoney, AFL all the way!!"

So now I’m back. Was not going to post this blog, but now I feel the challenge. Let the best team win. As long as its the Seattle Seahawks. Now sounds like a man. In control. Wants it his way. And all I know for sure, Shirley. Is that by late Sunday night this matter will be settled. And that is the end of Miss Pretty. I wander off. The game is over. You win or you lose. Game Over.

So unless your team is playing in the Super Bowl, I have to ask, "What’s all the fuss?" And am looking for a simple answer, when I know its not that simple. Sports or Business. Market Branding. New York City, or across the river in Jersey, where its not that pretty, but you get by. Jersey isn’t really a Miss Pretty place. The City might be. Dress up. Walk around. Take it all in. And if you have money, this is the place. Super Bowl Action. And the headlines say, " Super Bowl is the largest weekend in U.S. prostitution." Not sure I need to click on that to see what that’s all about. Learned a long time ago by watching Woody Allen’s Oscar-winning Movie, Manhattan: Not a good idea to mix wine and women and football." Just not a good idea. But lots of people before the game, looking for action. If you have money, you can find it. You probably know this more than myself. Bookstores. Subway back and forth across the river. And so it goes. Super Bowl weekend and I do ask,
"What’s all the fuss?"
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