I woke up this morning, very early. 3 am on Sunday morning. What to do, becomes the early morning inquiry? In the old days, you would be considerate. Stay in bed. Go back to sleep. Don’t wake the family. This applies if you have a family, or are living at home, and other people get involved if you stir before the sun comes up. But now we flash forward. It is 2014 and my family has become the Seattle Seahawks, a football team with a new quarterback, some good players, and promise. Promise, it will only happen this week, that I wake up and start on about this subject. Football. Seahawks from Seattle. The Super Bowl.

And each day and week varies. Not often that I carry on like this. But getting back to the point I was making, 3 am and you are wide awake. You live alone, so there is nothing keeping you from waking up and getting your day and Sunday started, way before perhaps one should. What to do? This week its me turning my computer, looking around and encounter more of the same. Google news and this is replacing the local newspaper. And Google news, and all I see is headline banners about death and killing. It falls into broad categories. In my area. Around the world. A few cities over, but far away for me to ask, "Why are you telling me this?"

And best not post that on Facebook. Best not tell that you woke up at 3 am, and have come to this social network place, straight away. Straight away from the smart thing to do, I have veered off course. Found my way here. And now at the keyboard, writing. Its quiet. I have a cup of tea in front of me. I have decided to ignore the mall shooting, and the executions in Egypt and well it seems. Bad things happening everywhere. This is how they package the news. Bad news first, everything thing else in small print, if you know where to find it, on the digital news channel. Ok, I am being small minded and closing myself off. Shying away from the gloom and doom, saying:
"Maybe Next Time."

And will expand on all that as time permits. In a blog. At 3 am. Sunday morning. And you finally figure out what he’s doing. No smoking gun. No smoke rising from the chimney. So its safe to assume he hasn’t lit the fire yet. Early morning, and just outside is fog rising off the body of water that is walking distance from where he sits at his computer. And it might be cold, after all its 3 am. But maybe not, as we have not yet asked, "Where do you live? South of the Equator, perhaps?"

It was just yesterday, or so it seems, that I promised to not bore you with football conversation. But in 7 days, the NFL is playing the final game of its 2013 season. They call it the Super Bowl. It has become quite the entertainment package. New commercials and we watch and then talk about it around the water-cooler or fountain when we return to work on Monday. Ok, water-coolers are old fashion. So my age is showing. And people might not go to work these days, but stay home and find a way, to have an alternative life, without work. Unemployment happens. We go to college, but then find out. China has all the jobs, and they aren’t issuing you and I a passport and work permit. So instead. Its football about what he lives and speaks. Even in a casual blog, written at 3 am on Sunday morning. And you look in. See what’s going on. Agree. Not really interested in a mall shooting in Denver or even concerned about more dead bodies in Egypt or Syria. Not really interested in The Seattle Seahawks or football or The Super Bowl. But Maybe Next Time you will write the blog. And it will be more sensible. Perhaps.

No longer is it 3 am in the world or at my place. Having breakfast now. Clicked on something called, "Free Shipping.", and for the moment my mind is not on football. But warning of shots over the bow of this ship. More killing, death and taxes. And all this week, more football. Once the game is over. Next Sunday Night, I will come to my senses. My team wins, or maybe not. And they will be saying, "Maybe Next Time." And that is the point of today’s blog. Sunday Morning and maybe, just maybe I should be talking to G-D, and not you. But I am thinking, we still have time. 19 more hours of today. Anything can happen.

And I tell myself, " Its never too late." But then it all gets away from me. Suddenly its next week. My team loses the big game. I go silent. Repeating the mantra. "Maybe Next Time." But then again, I did mention this not as gloom and doom, nor as a downer-blog. Looking for the rainbow at the end of sky, we call The Meadowlands. Looking for good weather. Looking for the perfect outcome. Hawks win. You lose. And I smile. Smoke in the chimney. Things are heating up. Life seems to be coming at me from angle now. Getting busy. Gone is the peace and quiet. Gone is my dream about victory. The body count is adding up. Time to go to Facebook and see what other’s are saying. Maybe Next Time is my exit clue. Stage Right.

I woke up this morning, very early. 3 am on Sunday morning. What to do, becomes the early morning inquiry? In the old days, you would be considerate. Stay in bed. Go back to sleep. Don’t wake the family. This applies if you have a family, or are living at home, and other people get involved if you stir before the sun comes up. But now we flash forward. It is 2014 and my family has become the Seattle Seahawks, a football team with a new quarterback, some good players, and promise. Promise, it will only happen this week, that I wake up and start on about this subject. Football. Seahawks from Seattle. The Super Bowl.

And each day and week varies. Not often that I carry on like this. But getting back to the point I was making, 3 am and you are wide awake. You live alone, so there is nothing keeping you from waking up and getting your day and Sunday started, way before perhaps one should. What to do? This week its me turning my computer, looking around and encounter more of the same. Google news and this is replacing the local newspaper. And Google news, and all I see is headline banners about death and killing. It falls into broad categories. In my area. Around the world. A few cities over, but far away for me to ask, "Why are you telling me this?"

And best not post that on Facebook. Best not tell that you woke up at 3 am, and have come to this social network place, straight away. Straight away from the smart thing to do, I have veered off course. Found my way here. And now at the keyboard, writing. Its quiet. I have a cup of tea in front of me. I have decided to ignore the mall shooting, and the executions in Egypt and well it seems. Bad things happening everywhere. This is how they package the news. Bad news first, everything thing else in small print, if you know where to find it, on the digital news channel. Ok, I am being small minded and closing myself off. Shying away from the gloom and doom, saying:
"Maybe Next Time."

And will expand on all that as time permits. In a blog. At 3 am. Sunday morning. And you finally figure out what he’s doing. No smoking gun. No smoke rising from the chimney. So its safe to assume he hasn’t lit the fire yet. Early morning, and just outside is fog rising off the body of water that is walking distance from where he sits at his computer. And it might be cold, after all its 3 am. But maybe not, as we have not yet asked, "Where do you live? South of the Equator, perhaps?"

It was just yesterday, or so it seems, that I promised to not bore you with football conversation. But in 7 days, the NFL is playing the final game of its 2013 season. They call it the Super Bowl. It has become quite the entertainment package. New commercials and we watch and then talk about it around the water-cooler or fountain when we return to work on Monday. Ok, water-coolers are old fashion. So my age is showing. And people might not go to work these days, but stay home and find a way, to have an alternative life, without work. Unemployment happens. We go to college, but then find out. China has all the jobs, and they aren’t issuing you and I a passport and work permit. So instead. Its football about what he lives and speaks. Even in a casual blog, written at 3 am on Sunday morning. And you look in. See what’s going on. Agree. Not really interested in a mall shooting in Denver or even concerned about more dead bodies in Egypt or Syria. Not really interested in The Seattle Seahawks or football or The Super Bowl. But Maybe Next Time you will write the blog. And it will be more sensible. Perhaps.

No longer is it 3 am in the world or at my place. Having breakfast now. Clicked on something called, "Free Shipping.", and for the moment my mind is not on football. But warning of shots over the bow of this ship. More killing, death and taxes. And all this week, more football. Once the game is over. Next Sunday Night, I will come to my senses. My team wins, or maybe not. And they will be saying, "Maybe Next Time." And that is the point of today’s blog. Sunday Morning and maybe, just maybe I should be talking to G-D, and not you. But I am thinking, we still have time. 19 more hours of today. Anything can happen.

And I tell myself, " Its never too late." But then it all gets away from me. Suddenly its next week. My team loses the big game. I go silent. Repeating the mantra. "Maybe Next Time." But then again, I did mention this not as gloom and doom, nor as a downer-blog. Looking for the rainbow at the end of sky, we call The Meadowlands. Looking for good weather. Looking for the perfect outcome. Hawks win. You lose. And I smile. Smoke in the chimney. Things are heating up. Life seems to be coming at me from angle now. Getting busy. Gone is the peace and quiet. Gone is my dream about victory. The body count is adding up. Time to go to Facebook and see what other’s are saying. Maybe Next Time is my exit clue. Stage Right.

I'm back. I don't get any warnings of your posts. Glad you are still there.