Wednesday and midweek. Yesterday was Sexy-Tuesday on one of the blog spots I visit. Also for Super Bowl activities, it was Media Day. And its mandatory that players show up and talk to the people. Contracts and Business, and this is what the Super Bowl represents to me. So I decided to stay home. Be warm and safe. Become part of the problem, if you see it the way I do. Sports and Business. Winter Olympics in Sochi, the killing zone. Wait should we censor that. Pull out your smart zone and challenge that. Fact Check. Killing Zone. Winter Olympics. Sochi. Somewhat annoying, that everything you do and say is being watched and sorted and you become what you say or write. Only its all done in shades of gray. Indirect. Who knows what the guy sitting next to me on the subway or in the Subway Sandwich Shack is doing. Pulls out his phone. Does his thing, and next thing I know, I am defending myself.
Not much room for error.
And that is where I find myself. Super Bowl Week. Wanted to blog about it each and every day. Have something to say, about The Big Game. But am learning as we go along. Snowden and Wikileaks, and I watch the Fifth Estate on Hacker TV. Nothing is as it seems. Traitor or Whistleblower. Basic sabotage. And so it has established a trend for me. Be careful what you eat. What you say. And where you go to watch The Big Game. Hope I can stay on topic. Winner in Winter. My blog for today.

Super Bowl. Nfl. Winner in Winter. Something for everybody. And I don’t need to go into details. To each his own. We love this. And am reading a google news banner that says,"Many American Fans believe G-D will determine the winner." I mention this because it falls in the zone where we all have an opinion and its valid to say what you will. If for some reason, The Fact Checkers sanction you, well that is just how it is these days. Winner in Winter.

Stay positive. Stay warm. Stay home, if you feel threatened by the guy sitting next to you, with his smart phone doing a background check on you. Modern times, and the more we treat each other the way we want to be treated, it all works out. Just different now. Big Screen. Has become an Ordeal to go to the stadium to see the game. I did it a few times this year, ok so I am a fan and a fanatic, so I went to 12 live games. Endured it all, and my reward is that the team I sponsored with my hard earned money, is playing in the Big Game.

All the action will be in New Jersey and New York. Super Bowl Week. Game is on Sunday.
Here is a link to my eyes on the action.

Web cams that spot the action around the world. This week they are setting up in Time Square in New York City. You can also smart phone for information about all the activities. One thing I learned is that I can not afford all of this. Media Day and all the stories that come with this event is overwhelming for me. I am about the game. Forget the noise level. Forget the beer. Forget about the Weather. Just play the game and see what happens. But wait. That’s no fun.

And isn’t the way they do it. But only this week, where the NFL has total control and you are just a fan. Come to New York. Stay in New Jersey if you must. Its just across the river. But be aware, of the guy sitting next to you on the smart phone. Nothing is as it seems. Winner in Winter. Live and in person, or watching on The Big Screen. Come Sunday will find out. Who wins.

And who does not. AS for me, I’m good. I have a plan. Will leave it to others to make it authentic and fun for me. "Pass the chips. Lemon-aid, no beer. I’m on a diet. Woe is me." But not to worry. I’m good. Super Bowl on Sunday. Winner in Winter, TBD ( to be determined ). And now I say a prayer.
I skimmed through. I have no interest in sport except a slight curiosity as to why so many are. Glad you enjoy it. I'm warm and safe.