Moonslayer got me going in this direction, when it was said, " If you don’t like what you see, change it from bright yellow to sassy pink." In the middle of something, and I don’t know where that came from. Changing my diet, not drinking much. Not even water, so dehydration may be taking its toll.

The theme for today is horse and cow, and not how I became enchanted by the full moon, or moon rays through the clouds, but whatever, the clock has finally struck midnight, time for bed. And suspect the night will be one massive dream about horses and cows and insomnia. But then again, I do not remember. Fast asleep or fitful turning. The night is what it is. A time for the horse and cow show. Shall we begin.

I just read this and its like a red flag and a warning from somebody you like and trust. A friend. It said, " ….. this article contains wording that promotes the subject in a subjective manner, without imparting real information." Subject in a subjective manner, sounds fishy enough, but then add a full moon, and the problem of being hungry and trying to write on an empty stomach. Not sure my blogs should be judged or reworded to please my grammar teacher. Sanction and pre-empt and this could be the beginning of reining me in. Controlling my performance, and I am not down for that.

Woke up this morning and there was snow covering everything. Snow White. Purity and a basic understanding that this was unusual, but not impossible. So I move forward. A blog about horse and cow. Eventually, I will find a steady pace, complete the project and feed myself. All things are better on a full stomach. I should say that.

You can get a little star-struck, or in my case moon-rayed and covered over by snow. It is that kind of day, and suitable as the Winter Olympics have started in Russia, and the start time for most events is not convenient for me to watch, and the TV and coverage is spotty. Doesn’t matter why, I am determined to do my own thing. Drink some water, and do my horse and cow show. In a meadow or at water’s edge, what does it matter if its too cold to go out, and you want to watch sports on TV, but there are problems with that, also.

There are horse and cow stories I could tell, cheap and frozen, and beyond my ability, hence the warning. Subjective and without information value. Doesn’t hurt that my day is going this way. Been in the city so long now, that the horse and cow connection is fading. Horse and buggy gives way to the automobile. Now train and plane and space vehicle. We have come a long ways. Plane and Simple.

Self-assessment time. Winter Olympics and Oh Canada. Lots of cold weather places, buying and selling a little warmth and understanding. Have to get to know more about the subject, but then again, things have changed for me in the last few months. I have developed a I-Don’t-Care state of mind. Controversy surrounds the subject of subjectivity. Upsets me that it comes up, that the moon can affect me like this. We should talk about it, probably not.

Preserving and Promoting Winter and the Olympics is on my mind. Need more practice in handling it in a civilized manner. Both in and out, Horse and cow, and is a matter of principle that I bring the subject up in the first place. Stay healthy. Avoid leg injury. Don’t slip on a slope taking you to the fence. Wet and Cold and slippery. Maybe its something you are use to. I am not. Woke up to snow and now I’m thinking, Horse and Cow. And I am not sure why. Had Winter Olympics on my mind, when I went to bed. But not now. Free to be me, and that’s how I will end this. Insanus-Draconem. And a quiet A.M ( amen ).

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