I don’t like it when one of my online friends is in the hospital, or under-the-weather for any reason. Don’t like it when local dude has pneumonia and wife has to put the foot down, do the hospital screen, and restore order, and good health. So I read the blogs, and get insight. It helps me. Less isolation and some control, how I take it all in. Chat and personal, not so much. Is my basic nature. But I am alive and aware, and so from time to time, there is a Stoney Comment.

All of this as part of the chapter and verse of his days. Retired. No football, and baseball is a Spring away. Or so it seems. Was up early today. Before 9 am, had a nap. Getting up at 4 am will do that to you. Agreed. 24/7 and keeping up with the times. I try. And so today, my blog: Sweet and Sour.

I am jumping around from misery, darkness and what-the-heck, avoiding real life because today at the beach, its raining. . Reading the headlines for about 10 minutes in my day, and feel bad when all there is, is bad news. North Korea with nukes. Bad news. Then I switch gears. Remember the good times and the bad. And it happens. Ups and Downs. Not just at the Winter Olympics in Russia. And get an idea. Time to write about Sweet and Sour.

So I am old. Bad news bears. Old too. Pardon me, as I go back to 1984. Not long after one of my worlds, fell apart. Was a sickness of the time. People coming and going, and leaving me to cope. Didn’t like it much, but was me, growing up. Ups and downs. Like that.

1984 and there was an Australian television series, titled: Yes you guessed it. Sweet and Sour. So its in me. Watched some. Screen time. Diversion. A script about the face of vagaries in one’s life. Remember the phrase, "Life can be sweet and sour." So that’s where I am today. George Orwell's Novel 1984 and the Sweet and Sour series, seen on Aussie TV. Wading back and forth and lamenting and celebrating at the same time, the influence of technology on me and my life well-lived in the margins of suffering society, world-side. Main Story-line might be fictional, or indeed one that plays out in the time I have been on planet earth. Sweet and Sour. Ups and downs. Like that. Music to my ears.

It is rough and tough, when you want more out of life than that which has been received. Expectations and a jam session in an old boot factory. Sweet and Sour is not really about my asian-period, although I had one. Wasn’t really a bed of roses or perfume sweet. But lost myself in New Zealand and then in various Sydney pubs. 1984. Tried to run, before I could walk with chopsticks in my hand. Got old fast. Couldn’t feed myself. Takes a little getting use to. Eating with sticks. Being alone. Doing your first backyard barbecue, and nobody shows up. It happens. Ups and Downs.

Romantic tension. There wasn’t much. Just lost the love of my life to sickness. Mine mostly. Signs of the Time. Technology and we made a big deal out of main frame computers and IBM. Those days are now gone. Sweet and Sour. Win some. Lose a lot. Microsoft and the new way. Stock rises. Instant millionaire, but not me. Stuck in the side deals of my undoing. Never got over it. Real Life and the way it was.

But I am better now. Manipulated time and place. Became like those around me. Brash and Confident. Fit in real good. Traveled around, probably more than I should. But it worked out. Neon in the Tokyo night. Flash-floods in Taipei. Hillsides wash away, and I was left covered with mud. I remember things like that. Animated and furious, when it involved me. The ups and downs. The headaches and the controversy. Sweet and Sour.

And then I took to wearing crocodile shoes. People started noticing me. What I lost, I could not get back, but then again I just moved ahead. Dazzling people with technology and fast moving vehicles. Took me home. Eventually. They said. "Burnout." And that was true.

Fast moving times. A lot of changes. Win some. Lose a lot. So today it is raining at the beach, and I am here. Singing in the Shower. Some things you just can’t fix. Singing off-key is like that. Discordant. Sweet and Sour. Hard to endure, but we manage. Is how I am looking at things today. Life can be sweet and sour. But finally, we settle. 1984 becomes the winter of 2014. Read it and weep. Fast moving times.

And now my tea is flavored with honey. Honey. I miss you. But forget about it. Baked and Stewed. Sweet and Sour. Good times are coming. Certainly, over-due. And I offer the first clue. Ditch the electronic paper. Forget what google news has to say. Won’t be long before this too, is obsolete. And we can look back for history of such things. George Orwell and Orsen Wells. 1984. My time of personal nightmare and a future life without you, but with technology. Sweet and Sour on Aussie TV. Seems like so long ago. Downstream.

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