I don’t want to burden with chants in 3-part harmony about defense, offense, and special teams. Figure we should give credit for a job well done. Total surprise ending. Happy for some, and for the rest, they don’t seem to be in the conversation. Not yet. But I like to say this, " They are professionals. They don’t play." So some will be passionate about all this. Others will seek improvement, but in today’s world help comes in many forms, and not all are equal. Currently playing top 10 tunes. People jumping around with music in their earplugs. Afraid to get that close. Some look crazy. But isn’t that what its all about. Free to do your own thing.
Winner gets followers. Be it the Oscar Awards or NFL football. We get something out of knowing who is on top, even if we divorce every three years, and then remarry. Our Love Affair with Sports and public celebrity status. Not sure this is the traditional ways of our parents and grandparents, but its our way. Well, perhaps. My blog for today: Won and Done. Through it all we will struggle for meaning.

In Seattle they had a parade for the winners. Soon everybody can go home. Broken windows and glass, I expect in a crowd of many, there will be those things that happen everywhere, not just in Compton, California. We start playing at a young age. We learn the rules, discipline, and respect. But not everybody, plays for life. Passionate is one of those in the moment things. And it takes a while to sort out. The big success. Name recognition. Make a big splash. Flash that smile. Show youth and energy where its at. Handle the trivia and sidestep the facts. Camera on.

In Seattle they had a parade for the winners. Soon everybody can go home. Broken windows and glass, I expect in a crowd of many, there will be those things that happen everywhere, not just in Compton, California. We start playing at a young age. We learn the rules, discipline, and respect. But not everybody, plays for life. Passionate is one of those in the moment things. And it takes a while to sort out. The big success. Name recognition. Make a big splash. Flash that smile. Show youth and energy where its at. Handle the trivia and sidestep the facts. Camera on.
Expect them to generalize and profile you. More than likely they will. But down the road, you get an agent. You learn business or get somebody on your team that knows what to do. And so it goes in circles. As long as you win, they keep you, as long as you are affordable. Replacement Value. A theme for another day. Today it is, Won and Done. And yes, for this group of young people, it was a dream season. Continue on.

Its difficult for me to be fair and unbiased. I might not be able to speak your language, or match your thoughts on this subject. Won and Done. What does that mean really. That winning has a language all its own. That the world I occupy loves a winner. Observe and Learn. Sports or business. Not sure this comes across as I intend it. Well, maybe it does. Enjoy the moment. Understand the difficulty of this accomplishment. Read message boards if you need help, getting a real life perspective. Spend your time on useful things. If its football, then maybe some day I will be seeing you. But if you follow the Done Part, I will go one way, and perhaps you, another. Does it matter that for one moment we screamed at the top of our capacity. Went crazy when our team wins the whole enchilada. Speak Easy. Be Confident.

Its difficult for me to be fair and unbiased. I might not be able to speak your language, or match your thoughts on this subject. Won and Done. What does that mean really. That winning has a language all its own. That the world I occupy loves a winner. Observe and Learn. Sports or business. Not sure this comes across as I intend it. Well, maybe it does. Enjoy the moment. Understand the difficulty of this accomplishment. Read message boards if you need help, getting a real life perspective. Spend your time on useful things. If its football, then maybe some day I will be seeing you. But if you follow the Done Part, I will go one way, and perhaps you, another. Does it matter that for one moment we screamed at the top of our capacity. Went crazy when our team wins the whole enchilada. Speak Easy. Be Confident.
Then go home. Citing fatigue. It takes a lot of energy to win, and for the fan it takes a lot of energy to celebrate. Won and Done. Is that it. What more can be said in a blog. The season is over. This was the big game. Now we all get some time off, until it all happens in what they call the 2014 season. The Duel. The Challenge. The Winner. Hard to capture what this means to me, and to you. A Gamut of Seasons. Preparation. Execution. Anticipated Repeat. Pursuit and Trial by a new set of players. The adrenaline rush and the local high. Denver. In the mountains. Seattle. At sea level. The parade is over. I will wander off. Hands are cold, but the heart is warm. Everybody loves a winner. Won and Done. In the afternoon.

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