I am trying to keep an open mind. Keep the conversation going, something old and something new. Shying away from keying all my thoughts on media headline banners, that appear one day, and are gone the next. More important to me at the moment is to fight obesity or wait problems, meaning I am suspended by the disbelief of what others do to each other. Human behavior and where I live and the way I live, do not have the violent collision of push and shove, and have observed there is still room on the sidewalk for one and all. We do not bump and run, instead we avoid the panhandlers and Help-For-Pay-Salesman that want to stop your progress, shake your hand and sign you up for Helping-Who-Knows-Who.

And so obstacles are out there, but in keeping with an open mind, I keep my chin up and concentrate on The Sky and The Clouds passing through between the mountains and inland sea/sound, where I live. In the Rain Belt. Land of Umbrella and rain smock or REI techno-coat, that breathes and has a life of its own, protecting me. From the elements and panhandlers and Help-Salesmen, that I abhor.

My daily spirit and mood is influenced by Cloud and Sky. And on top of this I try to keep An Open Mind. Having said that, I follow baseball on both coasts of the United States. Local team with the name, Seattle Mariners. Another team with the name, New York Yankees. In keeping with an Open Mind, I shrug and suggest, "Not playing good baseball, but playing just the same."

And that explains my detour route. Instead of going to the stadium and sitting in Center Field, the only place I could afford if I wanted to take my family and see more than one game a year. Instead of this, I am listening to baseball when I am in the mood, which isn’t all that often lately, on the computer/radio channel. $15 a year. Audio Baseball. And that’s how it happened. Life coming to me via the audio, and suddenly I started hearing voices. And Winter Depression. But that was just a few months ago, now it is Summer so they say. Summer around here is not the way it is in most places. Can you say, " Sky and Clouds." Is Best if you can. Relate to Cloud and Rain Spirits. High Times.

Head games and now is the time, to get out more. " Step away from the window." A line from a movie I like to watch, where the bad guy says that, moments before he shots the asian-secret-spy-lady, who says, "I won’t scream." And that just about tells you all you need to know. I watch too many movies. I live on my computer. I have depression in winter and when it rains. Which is most of the time, and is why they have a moving-lid on the baseball stadium where the Seattle Mariner’s play baseball. No Rain Delays. Just close the roof. And so that’s how it is. Inside too much. Too dependent of books and computer to provide my entertainment. And so when I say, "Have to get out more." Its true.

Think positive. It all begins at the water-hole. From the mountains. From the sky. Find a place to die. Water and Sky and the clouds are optional, like you and I, just passing though. That one way to view this whole operation. Terminal and that creates and destroys the live-forever-myth. But from my experience, as long as I have been alive, here on earth, Cloud and Rain have influenced the landscape and the inhabitants, and that includes me. When I get out more. Remind myself, that is the center of this blog and theme: Do something, get out more. And if its not baseball and sitting and watching, what then?

Rock and Water and Story. Fundamental elements of a time before computers. Lived in craters. In eucalyptus forests. Near a water-hole. Wet and Tropical and Green Canopy. And then what? Noah’s Ark. Curious as I weather the storm between winter and summer, and thought it all, it rains. Horrible dreams I have. Is a fragment of my reality, and revealing if I can keep the dream alive, and think about during the day. Doing so is an art form, and a special way of being. Cloud and Sky help me maintain clarity and vision. I visually have witnessed something so compelling that it is easy for me to say,
"I have to get out more."

And I blog about it, because? For the instruction and entertainment of the children, is best to include outdoors and nature and animals. And do it now, before they pave-over the entirety of it all, make it concrete and glass and phone towers. As city repeats itself and makes copies of us all. And surely this could never happen. And then I remember going to a NYC Yankee’s game and the experience reinforces what I been saying all along. Listen to baseball on the radio. Take a walk or a hike. And think: Cloud and Sky and Water.
Coming down, as we speak.
Coming down, as we speak.