I am willing to reconcile our differences. Not talk about The Middle East and Arming Syria. For me it is not about the Bad Guys, or perpetual war. Leave that up to those in the-Other-Washington. But have come into the day with consciousness spelling out: Flash-point, and now am in a position to discover what that has to do with me. So reading from Wikipedia that the flash point of a volatile material is the lowest temperature at which it can vaporize to form an ignitable mixture in air.

And so I do expect a lot of light today. Super Moon, which is just another way of saying, "If you look out as the sun goes down, you will see the brightest full moon, ever." Probably an exaggeration, but it bends the light in the direction that might illuminate both you and I. And that is how I am willing to reconcile our differences. No matter how volatile.

Jump. Skip. Hop. Pesky movement everywhere and I notice, if I just had more information, maybe I could make a better choice for all the options available to me, on this day. Am thinking I would like to spend an enjoyable day with you. But then it becomes clear, its not just about me and what I want. Dealing with the idea of differences, brings me to know, its not just about me, it has to do with you, also. And this is a blog. Where do we start. So many of us. So diverse. If we start talking, the conversation could go anywhere. Beyond my thoughts and control, and when that happens. Am I ready. So just now picking out one word and thought and going with it. Volatile. When do we reach the Flash Point? Does it matter? Will we survive it and reach the end of this blog in a good mood. That is what I hope to do. Jump. Skip. Hop. From here to the end. With you , dear reader not far behind.

The keyword that leads me on is Volatile. Volatile market. Its the economy stupid. Oh how rude. So we agree, let’s not talk about money, but if you have gone shopping recently and want to share that, I agree. Let’s sit down. Have tea or coffee or better yet, "I will have what he or she is drinking" Then move on. Volatile Week. Why say that? Not sure I have time to put the week into review, but if that’s what you want to put into this blog, details about your week, well then: I am listening. Do tell. Tis my momentary commitment to join with you, talk and then say,
"Gotta Go. Volatile in every way. Expecting a Flash Point soon.
And a very bright moon in a darkening sky."

Now that’s where I think I am. Doing the flip-flop. Starting to separate from you. Creating some distance. Hoping to change the subject. But mostly its about having a good day. Having some fun. Finding the Light of A Super Moon. Not sure I am into all the hype. Super this and Super that. Thinking we should all just calm down. Let people away from me fight. If that’s what they do, and so far it seems all over, that’s what they do. Perpetual War. Actual and state of mind. And volatile as that might be, I wonder. Is this how I want to spend my day? And reach the conclusion. "Definitely not."

Its June. Let’s talk about something on the lighter side. Make me laugh. Summer weekend plans. Now that’s a kickoff starter. How is your local baseball team doing? As for my team, Seattle Mariners, not so much. Playing and its volatile. Flash Point soon to be reached, and somebody will lose their job, if they know what makes things better. Apparently not. Been a long time. Bad baseball in Seattle. Just say that. And so now what is it we like: sweltering heat. Beautiful flowers. Sweet smell of success over the bar-b-que, cooking for our friends? Wonder what it is you do, to have fun. Ignoring all the rest. Volatile. And Flash Point.

And all the darkness. Super Moon or just full moon that is very close to you. Seems that’s the way to go, the path of light, on the way to creek or river, lake or sea. Getting out. Taking your fishing rod with you. Night fishing in full light, without the bugs. Sounds like fun. Please join me. Is ok to bring your own fireworks and excitement. Cold beer if you want to carry it. I have my hands full. And smoky barbecue for you or for the fish. I am not picky.
Bait and Switch. Not sure.

Depends if I am having fun by the time we get to where we are going. It’s been a long conversation. A long blog. Me in long shirt and sprayed to defend against the obstacles of the night, and you in brand new bikini, just purchased at the mall. Showing skin. Having a night out. Under The Light Of The Moon. Having fun. Well, maybe. Volatile. Flash Point. Smoking Gun. Who knows. Big World. And we need to attend to our differences. Around the planet.
Where you are.
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