I have often thought that life gives us the opportunity to seek purpose and fun, and mixed in the journey from start to finish, is a welcome call of relief from the constant expression of darkness. Buried my head and looking down, I am making my world smaller by staying in more. And not reading about Syria and death and decay of the outer constellations of the moon and stars. Pouring water on the flame of unlimited dimensions, media conduct and the massive display of tentacles of observation and the slight play of knowing everything about your neighbor, has no real power over me these days.

Spending most of my day reviewing where and what my efforts have brought to me and my friends. And that is the easy part. Friends come and go. And am wary about the people that start with Facebook, look over my profile and credentials and then add me to their list of wanna-be-sources of human contact. And that is where it comes to be a topic for this blog today. Water On The Flame. More smoke. Less mirrors and Reflection.

There is no one thing I hope to accomplish by writing this blog. Dashed Dreams and Schemes, and it is already a property of diminishing returns, that our days are numbered, and age-related events can be found in the yearbook and in the reviews of yesterday’s news. Listen to the sound of movement. Time displaces me with so much more than was possible
on the day I was born.
Wasted wrote a song about it. Flame on Water. As it is, I still like Coldplay and ‘ careful where you stand.’ Simple as that, it is important to explore our options. Heap praise on your Cousin and her beauty and her new dress. Appearance is important if you plan to be footloose and everywhere at once, on Facebook.

No real value in comparing now to yesterday. What I think is important at the moment is counter-flow and the diffusion of flames. Limited Knowledge. Who is to say thermodynamic equilibrium isn’t important? Balancing darkness and light. Making your way in a cold and lonely moment, to find relief by going to Facebook and asking, "What’s up?"
Due to the brevity of a blog, everything needs to be put into context. Not in a hurry, but spell it out. What is important here? Facebook and getting out more. Offering up tidbits of your life, so that others can join you and intensify the meaning of life in the next 25 minutes of their day. For me its all a lot of grease and oil and the added chance of a flair-up. Social ambition and mental decay.

And at the moment I am having a hard time getting the pilot light to work on my old hot water heater. Am afraid to ask for help. Calling the plumber just adds to the cost of life, and as it is, I am being frugal in 2013. Want to spend my money on going to baseball games, and if my team does well, I might be able to take in The Super Bowl. And just saying that, makes me feel better. Go Hawks.
Now I am at the end. Flame is quivering and soon will go out. Passion and desire and the thought of you is growing cold. Coldplay. Wasted. Rolling Stones. And some will say, "No problem." Buy a new one. Water Heater. And if not that, Go to facebook and discover what your friends are listening to. And with that, I cast water on the flame and wait for smoke and fire and heat, and the casual feeling of love that comes, when I think of you. Mistress of the Fire. And The Covenant of Love.

Thanks. I don't get any notifications of your blogs but read this one at breakfast. Will need time to digest. Facebook tends to me instant gratification. I'm still hanging around.
ReplyDeleteNow, I have just discovered all your other blogs. I didn't know they were there. I will read them soon. I have been busy in the garden and reading but not writing except one quick poem recently.