I think I am on to something for me now. I have been awake for 3 hours or so now. My sight is blurry. I am not pleased, but it could be much worse. At the computer. Blurry Vision. And I have said since 1975, when things like this began to happen,
"Wait and See."
Hoping Clarity and Vision would happen next. And am able to say now, " There are things we take for granted, and when they are impaired or missing, become of great importance." Not sure that is profound, nor even original. But gives me a basis for continuing on, and obtaining a focus and intent, while writing this blog. I think it is essential just now, to set my priorities for what I am doing, and settle with my decision and the potential outcomes, I will meet with, on this day. Will bundle what I have and call it: The Choice Kiosk. My blog for today.

I had a dream this morning, and I think I should not make this blog about that dream. But it got me to thinking, and when you have dreams that redirect and reflect on the bigger picture of what’s going on in your day, you have to write about some aspect of it, for sanity’s sake. I tell myself, "It’s all related. Just spit it out." And that is a starting point. Choices and Consequence. And so instead of referencing the dream I had, will instead tell you about something different, but for me, connected. And hope its not too much of a circuitous journey extending into his blog, and making things difficult or unbearable.

I saw a movie on Tuesday and its effecting me and becoming part of this blog. Movie Title: ‘The East ‘. I don’t want to spoil the movie for you, but will reflect on one scene that is dictating more thoughts for me, that are the basis for this idea: The Choice Kiosk. People sitting around a table, preparing for eating a meal. One person was directed, "Please start." And it was awkward , as this person had no idea how to proceed, and hence did their best. Began eating. After a while, it was obvious something was uncomfortable and unsuitable for the situation. So then the others decided to eat and show how they would do it. It was quite a different way to eat. A contrast in behavior that was quite extreme.

And so that is what I will say about the movie, but it left me with the general idea of a Choice Kiosk. Nothing is at it seems. And there are so many ways to proceed, each person and group has their own way. And brings me to wonder. In a democracy, how does it work that we reach a consensus agreement, when individual and local group choice can be so different and out of alignment. And of course, the answer is simple. Individual Choice. Group Choice. We take a reading on the choice made, and go from there. In the case of the group, we take a vote and the majority rules. Or so it seems. Not sure there aren’t other factors in play, but common sense dictates: Majority Rules. Or possibly, when it comes to what individual’s do, all that matters is that we made a choice and will bear the responsibility for it. Seems plausible enough.

Now I am sitting in front of a Choice Kiosk. Push a button and get something you seem to want at the moment. And seeing all the options that are available on this particular day. Kiosks for Self-Service, and I wonder. Is this self-serving. Could this get me in trouble? With who? And I think that is where I should stop for today. Before I find myself in an airport. On the run.
Have a good day. Choice Kiosk. To be continued. Partial and Incomplete. And somewhat upsetting. So much information available. So many choices in play. And oh so many in a democracy, having their say. And then you go into the world-wide-web or to a movie and realize. Where you live allows such-&-Such-behavior, but not every place does. So be careful what you say or do. Somebody is looking in on you, and its not your mother. Let’s go with that. And yes. Have a good day. Done. Done. Choice Kiosk.
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