It has taken me a few minutes to reconcile what is truly on my mind today, and so far the verdict is out, concerning the importance of the individual contribution to your world, on any given day. Unfortunately unfinished business seems to be standing in my way, and there is a continuation of yesterday’s topic at the top of the reader board, and in the headlines of the internet quick news format. About big brother society and control of information as it stands as we consolidate our position and are spending more time on the internet and on our computers. Data Mining and what our government knows about you seems to be the hint of topic that they want to talk about, but not directly.
And so it is more like old news and Animal Farm and Big Brother orwellian scare tactics rolled into the morning conversation, as if it is familiar breakfast material, ready to be served to the kids, as they stumble out of bed and prepare for their day. And why hold back, is what I am thinking. If this is what you want to talk about, just do it.

Not sure I have anything more important to say. Not sure what the powers-that-be are up to, nor why its important to make all this front page news, as we all know that in the modern age, on the Internet and in Google Format, there is no FRONT PAGE. Subjects surface for an instance and then go the way of the Gray Whale. Out of sight, and we are left to wonder, what’s that all about. And so it is with me today. Curious why surveillance issues are so important just now. Is it about money and positioning for the Black Budgets, that allocate money for important projects that we don’t really talk about. And I smile. Common sense. If they are talking about it in public, well. Hold on to your wallet and just prepare for the future, best one can.

I have decided that it is best for me to just glance at things and take a backdoor approach to the big and small of everything, that comes with waking up and discovering what might await you, once fully conscious. Friday and mostly it is a time of morning. Not mourning the loss of individual rights and freedoms, but certainly if we knew more, we might consider that an important thing to do. As for me, I am into frivolous pursuits. Hollywood and Entertainment. Seems last night the Mighty Yankees came to town and beat the home team, The Seattle Mariners, of MLB fame by the score of 6 to 1. And for weeks now I have been thinking: Triple Crown. Horse Racing. And if you ask, "Why are you telling me this?" The simple answer bears down on us, "Because I can."

Things that I want to mention but not dwell on. Allegations. NSA program called PRISM. Backdoor access to systems and data of the Internet. Not sure I should be outraged. Nor should I display indifference. Not something that we should bring up at breakfast time and alarm the children, preparing for their day at school and beyond. And so I change the subject. Direct approach. Indirect approach. Where are we going with all of this. And so I veer off. Off-Broadway and repeat. The Mighty Yankees are in town.
How good is that?
I wanted to write a blog about expressions that we use, that are now relics of the past. Top of the Morning is or at least was a 1900’s Irish greeting that we don’t really use much these days. Was about wishing you a pleasant day, mixed in with small talk. And those were in the days of larger famlies and stay at home moms, and gatherings at the breakfast or dinner table, and starting the day with positive behaviors and traditions. Prayers. Cleansing. Appearance. Family.
And now I am thinking, "…..not important." Top of the Morning blog and who really will relate with all of this? And so I am preparing to blow it off and just slip out the front or back door. Backdoor access and The Game of Thrones. And all this has me in mixed company. Not sure its something I should carry on about, as it will be three more days and will have to keep my head down, stay out of the way of surveillance cameras, and repeat as often as necessary, to explain my odd behavior of radical belligerence and rude behavior that shuts the government arm out of my bedroom and life . The Mighty Yankees are in town. How good is that.
Uncle Sam.

Its 'news' here too. Heard Google lawyer speak and was convinced that they passed on information on very few individuals and would like to be able to reveal how many. The 'news' didn't suprise me. I thought we already had 'total electronic capture'.