Excessive Coverage. Overwhelming Responsibility. And related issues of our time, and foremost it comes to the front, revelation. How much. When. And How. Is too much really something we need to discuss? Clarify and tell me more. Get down to the details and expose yourself, but don’t go too far, after all there are laws and consequences for revealing too much.

And in today’s environment this puts the pressure on each of us to know what we are doing, when it comes to Show and Tell, and all the things we did in the 3rd Grade, just to make being together and Learning, more fun. Now I wonder, did being on stage happen too early in my development cycle. Do I demand and am I compelled to always be at the front of the line, where others can see me and say, "Great. Just Great."

And who knows if they are being sarcastic. Does it matter, and should we limit coverage and responsibility and life on the beach, as the sun comes out and we are told, "Its summer. Not global warming." Could be a hot subject. Read more.

Excessive Coverage happens when we/somebody leaves the bathroom door open, and upon review, we discover maybe this is not best for all. Five minutes warning is sometimes not enough, as it becomes apparent, could have lived without seeing or knowing this. Excessive Coverage. Cameras everywhere, and now they are putting surveillance and collection in Google Glass, which is not something I have experienced yet. But motivates me to write a blog about Excessive Coverage and Overwhelming Responsibility for my actions. Or maybe it is not about me at all.

Think Bigger. Leak The Story. Bring out the camera. Let people see it with their own eyes. Put it on Facebook. And sit back and see what happens next. All in the name of entertainment and boredom. Small things becomes an instant hit, and before you know it you have 600 new friends and 5,000 hits on your public site. And who decides if this is too much?

Handle Your Business. Twitter. Facebook. RSS. Unsolicited Email. " The phones ringing, aren’t you going to answer it?" Back in the day, we would just go for a walk out in the sunshine if things were getting out of hand. Not sure I remember the example of His and Her in the same bathroom at the same time, with the door open and camera on. Too much of a stretch of the imagination. No telling. That was the standard rule.
What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas.

National Advertising and big money spent, to send that message, world-wide. Privacy and Good For Business. Not sure if that was what they wanted us to know. But in the days of Excessive Coverage, maybe this is exactly what I need to know. Limit My Responsibility. Identity Theft and Fraud. Blame It On Technology and the Other Guy. Too much exposure and I am not prepared to Handle My Business, when I had no idea. You posted and tagged me in picture.
Door Open. And I wonder at a time like this:
"Do You Really Want To Be Me?"

Can only speak for myself. I dont read 'Life and Style' or the such like. I do read you and science and novels and poems.