It comes to me as a basic tenet. a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy. "the tenets of classical stoneyism" Not sure I have said it clearly, but turn my back on the teacher’s ethic, to teach and be there not for a day, but for a lifetime. Still sorting all that out, as a backlog to my assignment on truth and lies, and there lies the basic energy frequency for me on this day. Regardless of evidence that says otherwise, stay positive. Stay away from conspiracy theories, even if this is the shortest route to your current destination and state of mind.

Having said that, my research into personal involvement, suggests that just yesterday, I had a good day. And that brings me to this present moment, where I am making a basic point that follows me around, in pajamas and in sleep. Read and Write. If you can do that we can overcome so many things. And yes, is important to make a statement. Mine will be, not as original as I had hoped for. Gathered over the recognizance of astute observation, I will say, " Those who watch, are Being Watched.

Who is to say, this is all I have to say. This is a blog. I intend to spread the word. Romance of language, and its not just an English Thing. My charm comes with the magnetic field I am wearing, along with the black sox with holes in them. Man thing. The Hunter is also, being hunted. Which means, turnabout is fair play, and you are not the only one who is involved and playing around, in a field of many.

The new persecution is embedded in the technology. Placed on the bridge of my nose, eye glasses are now replaced by spyglass. And Surveillance Society is nothing new, and not really something I would give up my current way of life. Not going to Russia, just to make a point.

Extremes in temperature and radiation frequency might cause cancer on the outer surface of me, but inside I have the will and ability to resist, and reinstate a good state of mind and a proper state of health. Is all being done as I expose myself, and like what I see in the mirror. Nothing new. Stalkers and Seekers. Follow what is there, gather wisdom from the spoken and written word. Ignore that somebody is targeting you, just to keep up. Somebody has to be out in front, why not me?

Why not us? Is something that is being used in NFL ads and medium to spark a general interest in the start of the 2014 NFL football season. Week 1 and everybody has a equal chance to excel and win. Not so in week 2. And by week 16 it is apparent that it is more than mind over matter, and wishing for a good outcome doesn’t necessarily make it so. And this is where I leave the beaten path. Will not allow the general impression that operates in open society, affect me adversely. I will do the stoney-thing.

Leap from cliff to cliff, bounding over the gaps in space and thinking to arrive. Arrive in good health and spirit and physicality. Pledge to the idea that I won’t let you get me down. Its all a matter of perception, at least for me. Won’t let your gang-stalking, what ever that is, get me down, nor limit what I can do.

Mostly it is a matter of raising awareness. Deception and misdirection is what you do, then leave me to my own alternatives. I am good. I read. I write. I post. And even if it seems my major perch is with the crazy people and birds that fly south, when they can just wait where they are, and let global warming happen, and we live with just one season: searing heat. Ok, so the birds will not wait. Inquiring minds will wonder where they go. Mind manipulation doesn’t explain all mystery. They have a path all their own, these soaring birds. And that’s it for me today.

Wanted to write a blog and post it. Hope to do this often, but make no promise. Another day is not promised, unless we revert to another system, and have eternal measures and values to count on. As for me I do what I can to avoid harassment by those with non-lethal weaponry. Words can not hurt me. Was taught this as a 10 year old. And over time, I have learned to tune out those who try to prove this tenet otherwise.
I am good.

Mind over everything, substitute for big brain and big bang. I will believe it when I see it and is why I am looking forward to running into you. Small bird running into a 787 Boeing is not exactly what I envision, but even so. When it happens I will deal with it. Is what I do. Is the stoney way. Living proof that conscious mind matters, and being part of this material universe, I am always pleased when we get together. In rhyme and verse. Tis good. A Game of Words.
Followed by permanent silence.
One way or another.

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