Lost a week to the energy of a sports game, and promised myself that I should seek something more worthy to spend my time on. Will try to get through this blog without mentioning the epidemic proportion of my time in life on sports and exercise and the development of the perfect contest. I like performance, and must say, "Over time performance declines, and we must move on and find worthy substitutes for the game we have played in youth and in our prime."

Prompts me to find prime numbers and prime examples of things I have done in my past life, that we not contained in the category of sports and exercise. So am starting out in neutral space. Probing the space of infinite thought and discovering the fun of playing or being involved with a numbers game, and not baseball or that other sport, I am trying hard not to mention. September and the sun still shines on me.

Warms my heart and allows me to breath easy. Have decided that I will center myself on the count of 10, and explore what it means to be on the threshold of a new dimension of possibility, that I truly want to involve myself in. On The Count of 10, let’s begin. A Numbers Game.

Not sure if there is a decline in the performance of the blog site, Thoughts.com. Have been this site and one other for long time. Now I am hearing warning comments, that use the words, ‘...wonky.’ ‘not working..’ and a combination of expressions that suggest, the site might be in decline, and nobody is applying energy and effort to fix it. Because it costs me nothing but the time to write and be involved, and not asking me to pay for maintenance costs, on the count of 10, I will count my blessings that things are worked out well for me, online and on this site.

Prompts me to find prime numbers and prime examples of things I have done in my past life, that we not contained in the category of sports and exercise. So am starting out in neutral space. Probing the space of infinite thought and discovering the fun of playing or being involved with a numbers game, and not baseball or that other sport, I am trying hard not to mention. September and the sun still shines on me.

Warms my heart and allows me to breath easy. Have decided that I will center myself on the count of 10, and explore what it means to be on the threshold of a new dimension of possibility, that I truly want to involve myself in. On The Count of 10, let’s begin. A Numbers Game.

Not sure if there is a decline in the performance of the blog site, Thoughts.com. Have been this site and one other for long time. Now I am hearing warning comments, that use the words, ‘...wonky.’ ‘not working..’ and a combination of expressions that suggest, the site might be in decline, and nobody is applying energy and effort to fix it. Because it costs me nothing but the time to write and be involved, and not asking me to pay for maintenance costs, on the count of 10, I will count my blessings that things are worked out well for me, online and on this site.

As to what might contribute to better performance, I have no idea. And so if things go from bad to worse, I will take some of the blame for this happening. And will look around for an alternative that gives me adequate performance and service. There is a contrast here that I would like to point out, without going into details. Sports and Exercise and being a spectator in the stands, requires me to make a monetary investment. Price of the game. Season Tickets. I pay to play, and over the years this number has grown to be significant.

From the years when my parent’s paid for me to go to sports camps, to the days when I bribed the next door neighbor for half of my paper route money for a week, to teach me how to sail a boat, and how to water ski. Paid to play.

Now it seems I am here, on the blog site, and its not working according to the performance schedule and quality of its first years. And I can relate to that. On the count of 10, and I see myself getting a slow start off the starting line, being left behind by a new group of youthful runners, and just know. I had my years of being leader of the pack. Sometimes is was free, and sometime I paid to be allowed to be part of the game. So not sure how I will tie this all together.

Blogging and the blogging site. Because of the arrangement, am I compelled to hold my tongue and preference for error free performance. Not sure. But will linger on the fringe of the expecting me, and see where this all gets me.

From the years when my parent’s paid for me to go to sports camps, to the days when I bribed the next door neighbor for half of my paper route money for a week, to teach me how to sail a boat, and how to water ski. Paid to play.

Now it seems I am here, on the blog site, and its not working according to the performance schedule and quality of its first years. And I can relate to that. On the count of 10, and I see myself getting a slow start off the starting line, being left behind by a new group of youthful runners, and just know. I had my years of being leader of the pack. Sometimes is was free, and sometime I paid to be allowed to be part of the game. So not sure how I will tie this all together.

Blogging and the blogging site. Because of the arrangement, am I compelled to hold my tongue and preference for error free performance. Not sure. But will linger on the fringe of the expecting me, and see where this all gets me.

From the legacy of a parent or sibling, I was taught to count to 10 when I was feeling angry and about to say something or do something impulsive and as a by-product of my anger. So am not sure if I am displeased because my sports team lost yesterday, and this is not the proper time to discuss such things, as I have take a vow of silence on that topic, for now, and talking about a free online blogging site that isn’t performing up to my standards, am stumbling on my own free space, and at a stand still as to what I should be doing next.

Numbers game and I should consider this another opportunity to explore my surrounding and determine alternatives. What to do? Find another favorite sport or exercise to pour my energy into, while at the same time, find another place to blog, knowing that I will be leaving a lot of bloggers behind. And so on the count of 10, I will take a deep breath and relax. Walk away. Walk on the boardwalk. Walk, because running is so exhausting. Long days of screen watching on a Sunday, or in the stands with the rowdy crowd, and maybe I have just outgrown such behavior.
Ask myself, have I had enough. Should I be doing something else?

Numbers game and I should consider this another opportunity to explore my surrounding and determine alternatives. What to do? Find another favorite sport or exercise to pour my energy into, while at the same time, find another place to blog, knowing that I will be leaving a lot of bloggers behind. And so on the count of 10, I will take a deep breath and relax. Walk away. Walk on the boardwalk. Walk, because running is so exhausting. Long days of screen watching on a Sunday, or in the stands with the rowdy crowd, and maybe I have just outgrown such behavior.
Ask myself, have I had enough. Should I be doing something else?

Asynchronous counter as a decade counter, and have I just tired of the game/ Activity and game, and add the idea of numbers game and doing something on the count of ten, or in my example of the angry me, should I count to 10 and then take a breath, and relax and then take on the mass of complexity that stirs me up in the first place. Asynchronous counter and realize now its nothing like the lunch counter that I would sit at in The Kresses or Manning Deli on main street, and count the ways I longed to be with you, or at second best, to be that sports star that other’s achieved, while leaving me at the starting line and well back in the pack when the event was done.

Different times and counter types and space. Head space and remind myself that I could achieve peace of mind and satisfaction by forcing the counter to reset itself to zero. Zero and does that mean I must start over, or just count my blessing in a new way. Blogging. Sports. Love of my life. On the count of 10, and I will take new measures and steps to find contentment.

Now I know, how I can be involved in a reasonable process and solution. Without stopping, I will blog. Will continue to post on Thoughts.com, but do it for myself and expect little feedback from others. But then, the question will linger and I will find myself in limbo to some degree. Wondering where the others have gone, and what blissful state they might find themselves in. And so I will initiate the email protocol. Will develop an alternative to just not knowing and knowing frustration for the situation or place I find myself today.

Dysfunctioning blogging site. Dysfunctioning republic for which I stand, waiting to see what happens next. What is next for me is participation in a numbers game. How many days remain before my favorite blogging site expires? How many days before I realize exercise and sports have a purpose in my life, but now is the time to move on. Do something different.

Seems like a big decision to make. A numbers game. Reaching the failure point and discovering that I know what to do. Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Relax. It all can go on perfectly well, without me. Now its up to me. Play or Watch or do none of this at all. Find something else to do. Find another place to do it. In the end, it is a personal decision. And like was the case when I bribed my sister’s boyfriend to take me to The Race Track, I will hedge my bets by making sure that he pays for my loses, and in return I will never tell Big Sister where we spent the day. At The Track.

Different times and counter types and space. Head space and remind myself that I could achieve peace of mind and satisfaction by forcing the counter to reset itself to zero. Zero and does that mean I must start over, or just count my blessing in a new way. Blogging. Sports. Love of my life. On the count of 10, and I will take new measures and steps to find contentment.

Now I know, how I can be involved in a reasonable process and solution. Without stopping, I will blog. Will continue to post on Thoughts.com, but do it for myself and expect little feedback from others. But then, the question will linger and I will find myself in limbo to some degree. Wondering where the others have gone, and what blissful state they might find themselves in. And so I will initiate the email protocol. Will develop an alternative to just not knowing and knowing frustration for the situation or place I find myself today.

Dysfunctioning blogging site. Dysfunctioning republic for which I stand, waiting to see what happens next. What is next for me is participation in a numbers game. How many days remain before my favorite blogging site expires? How many days before I realize exercise and sports have a purpose in my life, but now is the time to move on. Do something different.

Seems like a big decision to make. A numbers game. Reaching the failure point and discovering that I know what to do. Count to 10. Take a deep breath. Relax. It all can go on perfectly well, without me. Now its up to me. Play or Watch or do none of this at all. Find something else to do. Find another place to do it. In the end, it is a personal decision. And like was the case when I bribed my sister’s boyfriend to take me to The Race Track, I will hedge my bets by making sure that he pays for my loses, and in return I will never tell Big Sister where we spent the day. At The Track.

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