I am reading and it comes to me. ‘……thoughts, just like people, are allowed to change. I now believe….’
Source: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/can-andrew-luck-escape-the-nfl-narrative-20140909#ixzz3CqJnlTZR
Included the source link so that I would not be thought to be stealing another person’s words. Is true that this media makes copy and paste almost an automatic reflex.

And on this day, am doing what I can to be respectful. "Have some respect." Those words guide me, but as the above passage states. People are allowed to change. This includes their thinking. All of this is my starting point for sharing with you, random thoughts collected and distilled since last time I came here and wrote a blog. Since then, I have stayed up late. Talking to a friend, because the phone rang and the voice on the other end, said with a drop of energy. "I am calling because I just need to talk." And the conversation we had, forms the basis for the material presented in today’s blog. The Easy Life.

Source: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/can-andrew-luck-escape-the-nfl-narrative-20140909#ixzz3CqJnlTZR
Included the source link so that I would not be thought to be stealing another person’s words. Is true that this media makes copy and paste almost an automatic reflex.

And on this day, am doing what I can to be respectful. "Have some respect." Those words guide me, but as the above passage states. People are allowed to change. This includes their thinking. All of this is my starting point for sharing with you, random thoughts collected and distilled since last time I came here and wrote a blog. Since then, I have stayed up late. Talking to a friend, because the phone rang and the voice on the other end, said with a drop of energy. "I am calling because I just need to talk." And the conversation we had, forms the basis for the material presented in today’s blog. The Easy Life.

The easy life is an illusion. Its never easy to go through life without encountering a sizable amount of things we shall call, difficulties. For me, I try to deal with those things that fall into the category of personal and self-inflicted, and difficulties that arise from personal choice. What other people do and go through often doesn’t reach me in pure form, and so over the years have made it a point to give little energy and mental space to the plight of others.

Dismiss it by putting it into the box: The Common Lot. Shove that box to the back of my mind, and if it were a real construct, it would be out in the garage with the rest of the clutter, my significant-other asks me to deal with. Out of sight, perhaps out of mind. But not for long, in today’s society. Comes as a phone call. Comes as a facebook entry. You are put on notice, even alerted to the fact that it has been posted and is waiting for your review and attention. The Plight of Others is no longer invisible. Its there. Now what?

‘……thoughts, just like people, are allowed to change. I now believe….’
I went to the book store, no wait, it was the library. Bookstores are disappearing and no longer easy for me to walk to, and since I am in the middle of something, City Center, I have no time to retrace my steps and get it right the second time around, but I have changed my mind on several things lately, and the above statement seems to reflect my current mood. I now believe that much of what I have seen as concrete principals for me, have now lost their value and are now forcing change around me, and even in the principal center of my core being. I need to rethink a lot of things, and only to the point that there is no conflict emanating from me. I do not need to be the source of difficulty or disturbance.

I went to the book store, no wait, it was the library. Bookstores are disappearing and no longer easy for me to walk to, and since I am in the middle of something, City Center, I have no time to retrace my steps and get it right the second time around, but I have changed my mind on several things lately, and the above statement seems to reflect my current mood. I now believe that much of what I have seen as concrete principals for me, have now lost their value and are now forcing change around me, and even in the principal center of my core being. I need to rethink a lot of things, and only to the point that there is no conflict emanating from me. I do not need to be the source of difficulty or disturbance.

I seek to live a life that is self-contained and does not impact others in a harmful or negative way. And this very idea motivates me to seek change. Major or minor, change is never easy. For me it starts with words, much like a spontaneous food fight, that I just didn’t see coming. In the end there is a messy aspect to all this. And when I have time, I need to clean up my surroundings and certain aspects of my thinking, that may have lead to the situation I now find myself in.

Abstract thoughts bring me to say. The Easy Life. It doesn’t exist. Is a product of my mind and of my current thinking. I have always tried to make things better, but then I face the fact that applies to me, and probably to no one else. To have things my way, I have had to isolate myself. Stand Alone. Be there for myself, but ignore the plight of others. I now believe, about some of this, that I was wrong.

I do not live in a vacuum. What happens in the course of my daily walk, may impact others. But how would I know. I have made myself, self-contained. Am use to being in the city. Have learned to block out the presence of others. For me, this constitutes The Easy Life. Being my own person, has formed me in my own image. I think my status and position and way of being, is valid. Is not something I usually talk about. But today, I have come across this statement, posted by somebody else.

‘……thoughts, just like people, are allowed to change. I now believe….’
Seems like something that has value. To consider change. And I have decided to give up The Easy Life. Join you. And cope. Best I can.

Seems like something that has value. To consider change. And I have decided to give up The Easy Life. Join you. And cope. Best I can.

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