Cloudy day. I may go out, but that is something I will decide later. For now, I am content to simmer with the pot of soup in my nearby kitchen. Was asked to do a character descriptive writing piece about what it means to be stoney blogger guy.

And this is a wake-up call for me, reminding me that blogging has become routine and attention to details is lacking. After you have been writing blogs for many years, you give credit to the blue skies and open air conditions of your existence, real or literary, and think that you are a known element and character. Is like a prominent comedian, say Seinfeld or Grocho Marx thinking that the audience has memorized his routine to the degree that they know what is coming next, and should laugh, even if it is not funny. Conditioned reflexes. Designed Character and you should know, no questions asked. But this is not how it is.

You can no longer expect that what you say will be fully understood. Character depiction is a lost art perhaps. Short-term memory and the essentials are not retained. Of course, for me I realize that I have taken advantage of the reader, by being convoluted and circuitous, and prone to stereo-type presentations. Words and music. Words and pictures. Words and the intentional blurring of the lines that protect one’s boundaries. Have taken on bad habits and fallen in love with what I do. Without much concern for others.

I try to keep my blog short. And this would be easy if I took no serious interest in what I am doing. To do a serious character depiction of Stoney, might take forever. Does that mean I should not attempt to enlighten the reader, bring them up to date, and do a fulfilling profile and round out and put life into the character: Stoney. Not sure if that is a question I will ask and answer.

Decided that I will do an internal review on the origin and meaning of Stoney-Blogger-Guy existence. Won’t be easy and it won’t necessarily clarify the situation. Writer’s create a character, and often write many books building on the character development. If I were to do this, it would be an outdoor adventure series, both mystery and international thriller, under the guise of Stone Cold Enterprises, with the main character being: Stone Head.

Over time this series would be read, and stone-head would evolve, with most identifying with his middle age period where drugs and alcohol and stress would take him down the path of life, and incoherence in a brilliant misunderstanding; Would be what those who stayed with him all these years, would remember and talk about.

How Stoney had unusual ways. And how over all these years, they weren’t sure why he was this character they liked, but could not really relate to. Stoney ways and the deterioration of the society around him had run their course. He was a novel creation. Not a real person. In their daily life they did not know one friend or acquaintance like Stoney, nor like the younger version he portrayed as Stone-Head. But much like Elvis, if Stoney wrote a blog or produced another story book, they would read it or buy it or otherwise attend. As they have done. Over the years.

Over time this series would be read, and stone-head would evolve, with most identifying with his middle age period where drugs and alcohol and stress would take him down the path of life, and incoherence in a brilliant misunderstanding; Would be what those who stayed with him all these years, would remember and talk about.
How Stoney had unusual ways. And how over all these years, they weren’t sure why he was this character they liked, but could not really relate to. Stoney ways and the deterioration of the society around him had run their course. He was a novel creation. Not a real person. In their daily life they did not know one friend or acquaintance like Stoney, nor like the younger version he portrayed as Stone-Head. But much like Elvis, if Stoney wrote a blog or produced another story book, they would read it or buy it or otherwise attend. As they have done. Over the years.
Because I wish to keep this short and sweet, I won’t really get into the heart of the matter. What does it mean to be Stoney Guy? But I do know that it all started very early in life. Stone had a resonance all its own. Silent in nature, feedback happened when a rock came out of nowhere and smashed into you. From a slingshot, or from the force of tire on pavement, into the windshield and pure impact left a lasting impression.

To add to a youngster’s first impressions in life, came that cruel moment when your mother had another child, removing you from that youngest child list, and throwing you and your dinner plate out into the world-at-large, without a nine month warning. Thus done and said, injury and insult came further into the psyche, when she named the replacement child, Rocky.

And so these is much to tell and organize in a character descriptive narrative about one who frequently refers to self, as Stoney-Blogger-Guy. Won’t happen today. Won’t fulfill the requirement of the request as may be the case when your editor says in messy handwriting on a dirty napkin, over drinks. " Be more clear. Or else this will never be published." Be more clear.
( Ever.Clear. 151-proof (75.5% ABV) and 190-proof (95% ABV).
How clear and coherent can one be, filled to the brim with something like that, instead of mostly water?

Curious nature takes over, and I think of a long and winding path between steep canyons, a path of rough stones, seeking the pressure of human impact and weight as you encounter me on your way down, or even in the beginning when the top is visible, just before the storm. On my way to freedom and doing what ever I choose, out of the wilderness and into the night of city central. Stoney down below, and Stone Bluffs overhead. As above, so below. Way too much to cover in the duration of a single day or moment. He heads to the kitchen to stir the pot. Proudly declaring.

And so these is much to tell and organize in a character descriptive narrative about one who frequently refers to self, as Stoney-Blogger-Guy. Won’t happen today. Won’t fulfill the requirement of the request as may be the case when your editor says in messy handwriting on a dirty napkin, over drinks. " Be more clear. Or else this will never be published." Be more clear.
( Ever.Clear. 151-proof (75.5% ABV) and 190-proof (95% ABV).
How clear and coherent can one be, filled to the brim with something like that, instead of mostly water?
Curious nature takes over, and I think of a long and winding path between steep canyons, a path of rough stones, seeking the pressure of human impact and weight as you encounter me on your way down, or even in the beginning when the top is visible, just before the storm. On my way to freedom and doing what ever I choose, out of the wilderness and into the night of city central. Stoney down below, and Stone Bluffs overhead. As above, so below. Way too much to cover in the duration of a single day or moment. He heads to the kitchen to stir the pot. Proudly declaring.
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