Wrote a blog yesterday, titled: Melbourne Toast Company, and it was a classic bait and switch event. Didn’t expect for it to be like this, and once I started writing I just kept going. Turns out it was me being preoccupied with something I read in a online news presentation. Mostly it was just a bogus headline that got me reading, and then I was totally disillusioned and disappointed. It wasn’t news. And I wasn’t sure why these people were involving me with their version of reality media. In the end, I was displeased and so found myself thinking about it. The end results is what you will find if you read yesterday’s blog. But now that is done, and is early evening where I am. Have Little League Baseball, not sure their age, but are both boys and girls on the same team. And this interests me. Its baseball. Not some gender based contest. Its baseball. ESPN. Eventually the winners of the American Circuit games will play the best International Little League winner bracket team or teams.

So my task is to not lose my focus by doing too many things at one time. But then I think: This is what Mother’s do. Multi-task. More than one thing at a time. Raise a family. Go to work. Have an individual life, well maybe. Not sure if that part is emphasized. The Individual. So is my task for now: Finish up the blog that was not about The Melbourne Toast Company. Only this time I have changed the title, slightly. Want to reflect the true nature of the things I will write about. But even so, am not sure that I can do what I set out to do.

Should ask myself before I go too far, what exactly will this blog be about? Then make an outline of how I will cover today’s topic, which is a follow-up on a blog I wrote yesterday, that if I were grading this effort in a educational or school assignment, would have received a C-minus. Was not happy how the Melbourne Toast Company blog turned out. On reflection I am now aware why it was a disappointment for me. Seems I have made some rules about how I will write blogs. No religion. No politics. No this and that, and must be family-friendly. But even as I have some rules, I find that I am not as disciplined and focused and when I write, it might not be for a global-based audience. At times like this, I dedicate it all to me. Mee. Mee. Fits in good, with what I see others doing. Blogs are individual expressions of everyday feelings and life. Personal expression. So I know that I do that. Write. Post. Read Comments. And hope I don’t get run out of Blog Town, based on what I write. Sound familiar.

So my task is to not lose my focus by doing too many things at one time. But then I think: This is what Mother’s do. Multi-task. More than one thing at a time. Raise a family. Go to work. Have an individual life, well maybe. Not sure if that part is emphasized. The Individual. So is my task for now: Finish up the blog that was not about The Melbourne Toast Company. Only this time I have changed the title, slightly. Want to reflect the true nature of the things I will write about. But even so, am not sure that I can do what I set out to do.

Should ask myself before I go too far, what exactly will this blog be about? Then make an outline of how I will cover today’s topic, which is a follow-up on a blog I wrote yesterday, that if I were grading this effort in a educational or school assignment, would have received a C-minus. Was not happy how the Melbourne Toast Company blog turned out. On reflection I am now aware why it was a disappointment for me. Seems I have made some rules about how I will write blogs. No religion. No politics. No this and that, and must be family-friendly. But even as I have some rules, I find that I am not as disciplined and focused and when I write, it might not be for a global-based audience. At times like this, I dedicate it all to me. Mee. Mee. Fits in good, with what I see others doing. Blogs are individual expressions of everyday feelings and life. Personal expression. So I know that I do that. Write. Post. Read Comments. And hope I don’t get run out of Blog Town, based on what I write. Sound familiar.

So I never know what might appeal to you. So I just write and see what happens. You have heard this before from me. So let me mention again, what happened yesterday. I am not sure I am pleased with the way things are going, when I come to the world wide web. Don’t trust the online news banners that seem to be propaganda of a sort and not really daily news. But don’t want to write a Rant about my disappointment with things. But sometimes that is exactly what happens. Best said by a blogger I read, and this is paraphrased: Am trying to make a point, so I hope I do not offend, by using another person's material.
It was said: (paraphrased as I can remember it ) "…….easy to give in, give up and be consumed by…….. Friends couldn't see it, because I wore that old familiar mask."

And that is what I wanted the Melbourne Toast Company blog to be about. And it was a failed experiment. Didn’t turn out the way I wanted. All because…. I gave in to the pressure of the moment that was yesterday. Because for my own protection…. I wore the old familiar mask, that you relate to, when engaging Stoney Blogger. Was caught between the individaul and the collective enterprise. Inspired by the very fact, my friend did point out to me. " This doesn’t exist." There is no Melbourne Toast Company in the greater Melbourne area.
It was said: (paraphrased as I can remember it ) "…….easy to give in, give up and be consumed by…….. Friends couldn't see it, because I wore that old familiar mask."

And that is what I wanted the Melbourne Toast Company blog to be about. And it was a failed experiment. Didn’t turn out the way I wanted. All because…. I gave in to the pressure of the moment that was yesterday. Because for my own protection…. I wore the old familiar mask, that you relate to, when engaging Stoney Blogger. Was caught between the individaul and the collective enterprise. Inspired by the very fact, my friend did point out to me. " This doesn’t exist." There is no Melbourne Toast Company in the greater Melbourne area.
And this is true. Was hoping to make that the central point of yesterday’s blog. The Melbourne Toast Company does not exist, but when I present the name to Google Search the entire process becomes so distorted that it is difficult to determine what exists and what does not. Online, what is the true identity of individuals and commercial concerns. Does it matter? And so that is what it turned out to be all about. What is real and what is not, and how does that effect me? What happens when things like this make me unhappy, but I am the single parent living with my children, with the major role of setting a good example and teaching by doing, all things that make up the dynamics and structure of productive life. Certainly something I want for myself and for my children. But then there are times when I am present and I need to mask my true feelings about what is going on around us. Role Play. Seem to be happy, when indeed at some level, I am not.

And so I have to seek the benefits of compartmentalization. Keep it all to myself, my true thoughts and feelings, that are central to an individual. And I do this for the benefit of others, mostly my children. And so I am focusing on this, but trying to frame it properly so I can talk about it, without offending or causing other’s difficulty. So I am focused now. My title: Coffee Toast And Company. Is all those things that the Melbourne Toast Company was not. And so I am here. Looking for a place where we can go to have a cup of coffee, a plate of toast and a few moments alone with you, company I seek and relate with as a good friend, or at least somebody that doesn’t mind sitting down and talking about their real life and the things that happen to people like us.

Okay and now I am clear about all this. Why the Melbourne Toast Company does not really exist. There is no room for private conversations about life and love and the disappointments that come from day to day in the life of the single parent. A toast company is no place to have personal episodes. Company means a place where we do work. Not a place where we have coffee and toast and company. Now I am clear about all that. Apologize for yesterday’s confusion. Was mostly my fault. Stayed up the night before watching a disturbing movie. Was the 10th time I have seen this movie.

Netflix and was at home. Children were asleep. I was alone and wished I had company. But that wasn’t how it was. So for the 10th time I watched: Rabbit Proof Fence. Accordingly, it was my subconscious personality that showed up, and wrote a blog: The Melbourne Toast Company. And doing so forced me to put on my mask, pretend that what I was doing had a basis in everyday reality. It did not. Much like the movie I watched. Rabbit Proof Fence. Based on something that happened in 1931. And it was disturbing. But that was yesterday. Why talk about it. And that is my current dilemma. Need to sit down with coffee and toast and company, and just talk about these things. Even if its difficult and disturbing. We should talk. But do not. Not even in blogs. And when we do, its not popular and not for everybody.

And now I know this is what today’s blog: coffee toast and company is all about. Not misleading. Just not popular. The residue of single parents when they let their hair down, gather around and talk about their day. And because it is a blog, it is difficult to discern, if we are all wearing masks, or just here without the benefit of make-up that hides our human flaws. And so I think I am done now. Will find some pictures that support my main theme and message. Wearing a Mask. Good to see you all. Enjoyed the moment. Complete with coffee, toast and company.

And so I have to seek the benefits of compartmentalization. Keep it all to myself, my true thoughts and feelings, that are central to an individual. And I do this for the benefit of others, mostly my children. And so I am focusing on this, but trying to frame it properly so I can talk about it, without offending or causing other’s difficulty. So I am focused now. My title: Coffee Toast And Company. Is all those things that the Melbourne Toast Company was not. And so I am here. Looking for a place where we can go to have a cup of coffee, a plate of toast and a few moments alone with you, company I seek and relate with as a good friend, or at least somebody that doesn’t mind sitting down and talking about their real life and the things that happen to people like us.

Okay and now I am clear about all this. Why the Melbourne Toast Company does not really exist. There is no room for private conversations about life and love and the disappointments that come from day to day in the life of the single parent. A toast company is no place to have personal episodes. Company means a place where we do work. Not a place where we have coffee and toast and company. Now I am clear about all that. Apologize for yesterday’s confusion. Was mostly my fault. Stayed up the night before watching a disturbing movie. Was the 10th time I have seen this movie.

Netflix and was at home. Children were asleep. I was alone and wished I had company. But that wasn’t how it was. So for the 10th time I watched: Rabbit Proof Fence. Accordingly, it was my subconscious personality that showed up, and wrote a blog: The Melbourne Toast Company. And doing so forced me to put on my mask, pretend that what I was doing had a basis in everyday reality. It did not. Much like the movie I watched. Rabbit Proof Fence. Based on something that happened in 1931. And it was disturbing. But that was yesterday. Why talk about it. And that is my current dilemma. Need to sit down with coffee and toast and company, and just talk about these things. Even if its difficult and disturbing. We should talk. But do not. Not even in blogs. And when we do, its not popular and not for everybody.

And now I know this is what today’s blog: coffee toast and company is all about. Not misleading. Just not popular. The residue of single parents when they let their hair down, gather around and talk about their day. And because it is a blog, it is difficult to discern, if we are all wearing masks, or just here without the benefit of make-up that hides our human flaws. And so I think I am done now. Will find some pictures that support my main theme and message. Wearing a Mask. Good to see you all. Enjoyed the moment. Complete with coffee, toast and company.
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