Step on board the E-and-E Express. Not the same as the famous Oriental Express that takes you from Moscow to Beijing, but is an adventure all its own, and I want to be the first to tell you about it. Comes from being a Johnny-Come-Lately, and having a history of coming in second. Started a long time ago, but is a story to be told at another time. Recently, I had a split second moment to display my intelligence and wit, and wow the viewer with my instant response. It didn’t happen.

But now I am back. Have time on my hands, and that spells trouble for the keyboard, as I now dictate with voice command and control, a new software device that allows me to talk, and writes it all down, as if he had his hands on the keyboard and not in his pockets. No delay in delivery, and centered near the big bulge doesn’t keep his mind from spinning into orbit. He has a way all his own, and with technology who is to know that secondary pathways in the neural network bring him to you.
He smiles.

In person you might be taking in his every move, reading his body language, and be distracted by little things, unimportant when you encounter him in a blog. Here it doesn’t matter where his hands are, as long as they are clean and do not infect the environment. Face to Face is equal to being in person. This might be your first choice. Taking a look at him. Holding his hands, and turning them over, taking in the cosmic detail that comes with the lines on the palm of right and left-brained man. Not sure one can be both, but with two hands and a frontal lobe that is in working order, anything is possible.

Physicality takes a back row seat, to knowing him in the biblical sense. Secondary in my mind, he is not my main man, nor my first concern. We visit. Chat each other up. He writes blogs and so do I. That is my central interest. Word Display.

There is a vast universe out there in blog space, that he visits from time to time. Yesterday and they were being polite, leaving comments on blogs each had written. Complimentary recognition of content, well done. Mutual in demeanor and respect, they had a brief meeting. Was like running into a pretty woman, and for an instant being tongue-tied, and in an instant the opportunity was over. First impressions and it feels like he missed his window of opportunity to expand the moment in real time.
Face to Face and he is stoney-blogger-silent.

A compliment in the form of a single line statement, becomes a tacit barrier for him. What comes after the big moment, is him. Coming in Second. A second change. Goes off into the night, discussing with himself, all the things he could have said, that would have given him center stage in the conversation. The conversation that never was.

Now he is back. Ready to board the E -and- E Express. Ready to try again. Ready to map out his blueprint for success, for entry into their world, complete with second thoughts and clever replies, a chance for space recovery when up-side-down becomes a free fall, where everybody can land on their feet, if it is ground that is their target, and not that empty expanse of ocean that is often used for re-entry.
It all revolves around a spinning earth and the people who inhabit it. Includes the computer crowd that access each other via the World Wide Web and Stations of Comprehension along the way. He is back and wants to tell you something.
Let’s begin.

E-and-E express refers to the vehicle I have created that allows me to function properly in an unknown place. Yesterday I found myself in a place lacking total comprehension of the conventions and style of those who were there. Foreign territory for me. Begins with word play. A special place where people go, to get instructions and then begin.
Scribbles And Bits.

Have been slightly aware that it is there. That it is a social platform for doing things, strange to me, but enjoyed by many. Word Play. They write a blog and use Their-Words. People come by and comment on their contribution and effort. So this is my starting point, for having a conversation with myself.
E & E. It would be better if I was tuned in, and could have a conversation and real time encounter with you, but based on the difficulties that would have to be over-come,
I rate it next to impossible.

So she said. Endearing and Enduring. That was her opening volley.
He had no response so the conversation ended. Dead silence. The black of night. A gap and delay. Now he hopes to reconstruct the scene and have value in the present moment.
So he said. Exuberant and Excessive. This was his second chance.

In his mind it is like inter-planetary travel and alien visitation. It might not happen, but then again in his lifetime he has seen the barriers fall. Once land-locked and stationary, frozen in place by world war and the limitations that come with circumstances of distress, he accepted his fate. But then change happened. 1969. Earth man went to the moon. Created an outer space presence. In his mind, this extra-ordinary event made more room for him. Now he was ready for more. More achievements. One thing leads to another. Is more than word play. But at this moment, he is not sure how to join in.

Seems there are problems in translating his words, to something understandable for them . And perhaps that is the power of words. He has his. She has hers. Together they present a unified whole. But he isn’t sure. Confident he is. As a man. Unsure about earth women, and that puts him in a precarious state. State. Country. World. Word play and its all related. Perhaps in Scribbles and Bits, there is a normal explanation for all of this. For the moment he resides in The Basin of Incomprehension. Feels like he is out for a space walk, and dares not remove his helmet. Barriers, both tacit and explicit. And so the solution is up in the air.

He is a man. He doesn’t understand. Shows his hand. Shows his stuff. Tries to explain where he is, but then realizes his words mean nothing to them. Says he is in the middle of the Long Game, and it may take years to make the passage from where you are to where he seems to be. Its a bit confusing, how we can be so close in the blog-sphere, and then be miles apart and incomprehensible in the real world, and in real time.

He’d like for things to be different, but this is where he finds himself. Tacit Barriers and twice-removed from your every day reality. He wants to fit in and find himself with you, but then that’s where his difficulties begin. He blames it on the words they use. Tacit Barriers. Explicit Barriers. Time and Space and State of Mind. He is a man. He doesn’t understand.

He tries something new. Reverse order viewing. Sees himself in a mirror of cosmic importance. Tries to identify himself. Tries to relate with you, and others. Hopes to go beyond Scribbles and Bits. Hopes to make the journey on the E & E Express. Seeks entry into your world and world-space. Wants to hold hands or a conversation or something. Staring at beauty in every sense of the word, he wants to say.
"Its complicated, but we can do it. Let’s try."

When tacit emphasis is a major part of his operating style, we see his existence over a long period of time, with the normal facets of identity and loyalty, as partially hidden from those who seek to observe and then profile such an individual. It takes years to get to know this man with any degree of certainty, that you can predict and be comfortable with his behavior. In his case, it is best to say, "…not knowing him at an inner level is a barrier to understanding what is on his mind when communicating with him, face to face or even by email and in writing." You look at him and just know his tacit mannerisms prevent you from knowing him better, as you wish to do.

I have been reading his blogs for years, and am still mystified by his writings and train of thought.
It is about presenting an image that others wish to be associated with. A reciprocal relationship. A high-quality understanding of what he represents and is all about. Something we want to be part of. Communicative justice. A sense of something more on the future exchange of thoughts and feelings and enterprise. It would be fun to know what this man is really thinking and writing about. Have been reading his blogs for a long time now, and this aspect of his presence seems to remain.

There seems to be tacit barriers between us. Prevents me from getting to know him better. Need a word check. Should not come down to word-play. It should be spelled out correctly. Word compositions should be explicit. Just say what you mean. But don’t be mean when you say it.
Tacit means internally based and is often intangible or vague.
Explicit means it is generally accepted and understood by the reading audience.

Been looking into this from various aspects. It might be said, it is stream of consciousness writing, which is short-hand for saying, "He is having a conversation with himself and doesn’t mind if we are listening in." Having an audience does not affect his content. It is internal to his surroundings, whatever that means, and is often intangible or vague. Never-the-less, intriguing. This Jupiter Man. He may live in a house divided. There maybe barriers to knowing him better.

In specific terms we might agree, what-you-see/is-what-you- get when it comes to him. Intangible and vague. To me, he feels like one of Jupiter’s moons. He is out there. Can be seen, but never comfortably in my world. He exists, with or without me in a world of his own making. A product of his mind. Showing up.
Boarding The E-and- E Express.
"All Aboard."
Going the distance to be with you. He finds himself exuberant and excessive. She finds it endearing and enduring. And before you know it, they are in the middle of something. He calls it:
The Long Game.

Step on board the E-and-E Express. Not the same as the famous Oriental Express that takes you from Moscow to Beijing, but is an adventure all its own, and I want to be the first to tell you about it. Comes from being a Johnny-Come-Lately, and having a history of coming in second. Started a long time ago, but is a story to be told at another time. Recently, I had a split second moment to display my intelligence and wit, and wow the viewer with my instant response. It didn’t happen.

But now I am back. Have time on my hands, and that spells trouble for the keyboard, as I now dictate with voice command and control, a new software device that allows me to talk, and writes it all down, as if he had his hands on the keyboard and not in his pockets. No delay in delivery, and centered near the big bulge doesn’t keep his mind from spinning into orbit. He has a way all his own, and with technology who is to know that secondary pathways in the neural network bring him to you.
He smiles.

In person you might be taking in his every move, reading his body language, and be distracted by little things, unimportant when you encounter him in a blog. Here it doesn’t matter where his hands are, as long as they are clean and do not infect the environment. Face to Face is equal to being in person. This might be your first choice. Taking a look at him. Holding his hands, and turning them over, taking in the cosmic detail that comes with the lines on the palm of right and left-brained man. Not sure one can be both, but with two hands and a frontal lobe that is in working order, anything is possible.

Physicality takes a back row seat, to knowing him in the biblical sense. Secondary in my mind, he is not my main man, nor my first concern. We visit. Chat each other up. He writes blogs and so do I. That is my central interest. Word Display.

There is a vast universe out there in blog space, that he visits from time to time. Yesterday and they were being polite, leaving comments on blogs each had written. Complimentary recognition of content, well done. Mutual in demeanor and respect, they had a brief meeting. Was like running into a pretty woman, and for an instant being tongue-tied, and in an instant the opportunity was over. First impressions and it feels like he missed his window of opportunity to expand the moment in real time.
Face to Face and he is stoney-blogger-silent.

A compliment in the form of a single line statement, becomes a tacit barrier for him. What comes after the big moment, is him. Coming in Second. A second change. Goes off into the night, discussing with himself, all the things he could have said, that would have given him center stage in the conversation. The conversation that never was.

Now he is back. Ready to board the E -and- E Express. Ready to try again. Ready to map out his blueprint for success, for entry into their world, complete with second thoughts and clever replies, a chance for space recovery when up-side-down becomes a free fall, where everybody can land on their feet, if it is ground that is their target, and not that empty expanse of ocean that is often used for re-entry.

It all revolves around a spinning earth and the people who inhabit it. Includes the computer crowd that access each other via the World Wide Web and Stations of Comprehension along the way. He is back and wants to tell you something.
Let’s begin.

E-and-E express refers to the vehicle I have created that allows me to function properly in an unknown place. Yesterday I found myself in a place lacking total comprehension of the conventions and style of those who were there. Foreign territory for me. Begins with word play. A special place where people go, to get instructions and then begin.
Scribbles And Bits.

Have been slightly aware that it is there. That it is a social platform for doing things, strange to me, but enjoyed by many. Word Play. They write a blog and use Their-Words. People come by and comment on their contribution and effort. So this is my starting point, for having a conversation with myself.
E & E. It would be better if I was tuned in, and could have a conversation and real time encounter with you, but based on the difficulties that would have to be over-come,
I rate it next to impossible.

So she said. Endearing and Enduring. That was her opening volley.
He had no response so the conversation ended. Dead silence. The black of night. A gap and delay. Now he hopes to reconstruct the scene and have value in the present moment.
So he said. Exuberant and Excessive. This was his second chance.

In his mind it is like inter-planetary travel and alien visitation. It might not happen, but then again in his lifetime he has seen the barriers fall. Once land-locked and stationary, frozen in place by world war and the limitations that come with circumstances of distress, he accepted his fate. But then change happened. 1969. Earth man went to the moon. Created an outer space presence. In his mind, this extra-ordinary event made more room for him. Now he was ready for more. More achievements. One thing leads to another. Is more than word play. But at this moment, he is not sure how to join in.

Seems there are problems in translating his words, to something understandable for them . And perhaps that is the power of words. He has his. She has hers. Together they present a unified whole. But he isn’t sure. Confident he is. As a man. Unsure about earth women, and that puts him in a precarious state. State. Country. World. Word play and its all related. Perhaps in Scribbles and Bits, there is a normal explanation for all of this. For the moment he resides in The Basin of Incomprehension. Feels like he is out for a space walk, and dares not remove his helmet. Barriers, both tacit and explicit. And so the solution is up in the air.

He is a man. He doesn’t understand. Shows his hand. Shows his stuff. Tries to explain where he is, but then realizes his words mean nothing to them. Says he is in the middle of the Long Game, and it may take years to make the passage from where you are to where he seems to be. Its a bit confusing, how we can be so close in the blog-sphere, and then be miles apart and incomprehensible in the real world, and in real time.

He’d like for things to be different, but this is where he finds himself. Tacit Barriers and twice-removed from your every day reality. He wants to fit in and find himself with you, but then that’s where his difficulties begin. He blames it on the words they use. Tacit Barriers. Explicit Barriers. Time and Space and State of Mind. He is a man. He doesn’t understand.

He tries something new. Reverse order viewing. Sees himself in a mirror of cosmic importance. Tries to identify himself. Tries to relate with you, and others. Hopes to go beyond Scribbles and Bits. Hopes to make the journey on the E & E Express. Seeks entry into your world and world-space. Wants to hold hands or a conversation or something. Staring at beauty in every sense of the word, he wants to say.
"Its complicated, but we can do it. Let’s try."

When tacit emphasis is a major part of his operating style, we see his existence over a long period of time, with the normal facets of identity and loyalty, as partially hidden from those who seek to observe and then profile such an individual. It takes years to get to know this man with any degree of certainty, that you can predict and be comfortable with his behavior. In his case, it is best to say, "…not knowing him at an inner level is a barrier to understanding what is on his mind when communicating with him, face to face or even by email and in writing." You look at him and just know his tacit mannerisms prevent you from knowing him better, as you wish to do.

I have been reading his blogs for years, and am still mystified by his writings and train of thought.
It is about presenting an image that others wish to be associated with. A reciprocal relationship. A high-quality understanding of what he represents and is all about. Something we want to be part of. Communicative justice. A sense of something more on the future exchange of thoughts and feelings and enterprise. It would be fun to know what this man is really thinking and writing about. Have been reading his blogs for a long time now, and this aspect of his presence seems to remain.

There seems to be tacit barriers between us. Prevents me from getting to know him better. Need a word check. Should not come down to word-play. It should be spelled out correctly. Word compositions should be explicit. Just say what you mean. But don’t be mean when you say it.
Tacit means internally based and is often intangible or vague.
Explicit means it is generally accepted and understood by the reading audience.

Been looking into this from various aspects. It might be said, it is stream of consciousness writing, which is short-hand for saying, "He is having a conversation with himself and doesn’t mind if we are listening in." Having an audience does not affect his content. It is internal to his surroundings, whatever that means, and is often intangible or vague. Never-the-less, intriguing. This Jupiter Man. He may live in a house divided. There maybe barriers to knowing him better.

In specific terms we might agree, what-you-see/is-what-you- get when it comes to him. Intangible and vague. To me, he feels like one of Jupiter’s moons. He is out there. Can be seen, but never comfortably in my world. He exists, with or without me in a world of his own making. A product of his mind. Showing up.
Boarding The E-and- E Express.
"All Aboard."
Going the distance to be with you. He finds himself exuberant and excessive. She finds it endearing and enduring. And before you know it, they are in the middle of something. He calls it:
The Long Game.

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