Melbourne Toast Company
The best way to prepare for writing a blog, when that was never my intention on Wednesday and midweek, is to organize one’s thoughts into something manageable.. Is my rest day, where going swimming is an option, but then again, so is everything else. Options spring from the most unexpected places when you don’t work, don’t pay alimony, and when you are in your bonus years. Was hoping to make sense of yesterday’s notes and thoughts, process them as if they were reaching out to me and saying, "I am important. Please do not abandon me." Looking at one page of notes, and have decided to finish that piece of unfinished business before I move forward with my theme and title for a blog on this day: The Melbourne Toast Company.

Looking at my notes, I see the phrase: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. Placing this phrase in yesterday’s notes was meant as a reminder to myself to unlock the word vault, breakdown the language barrier that takes on a life of its own, between the spaces of my world and the Google News Headlines, that come to me as I try to scan in brief form, first thing each morning, the happenings as presented to me as current news. Saw this phrase: voyeuristic prosecurtorial overkill, and had no idea what was being said or presented. Ran out of time and never did follow up. Now its old news. But is at the top of yesterday’s notes and so will make comment, and then move on to my latest wave form creation which I title: Melbourne Toast Company.

Left alone, I begin to create. Use the first 7 days of Genesis as my model. Break it down in tablet form. Moses and Stone and Word. "Word." And on the screen it pops up to remind me, there is dynamic tension between us. "Word, my man. What’s up?" And this is my cue to get the ball rolling, present and represent. Am centered and have a place to start. Word phrase and will break it down, using the three words in front of me. Starting with Voyeuristic, which in the old days suggested something we didn’t talk about in the Victorian Era. Voyeuristic, with lots of porn on the Internet, so it kind of confused me when I saw the phrase: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. Had no clue what this news banner was telling me. So I did as I often do.

Typed voyeuristic into the google search place and was able to orient myself and relax a little, when my screen prompt returned this: voyeurism: observing unsuspecting individuals. Was able to shrug and move ahead. Next word. But wait, want to mention that I was okay with the message or idea that in the new world there was this on-going process and probability that people watching was the current rage. Snowden and Wikileaks and events of disclosure about how we have become a surveillance society world-wide, and its okay to just know, without you knowing it, somebody might be watching you. Tis okay, but I object to using the word, voyeuristic. Must be another word they could have used. But now I have cleared that up for myself. Onto the next word in this 3-word-phrase.

Next: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. The word is prosecutorial, when I type it here, shows vocabulary or spelling error. Which makes me think its not a word at all, but one of those made-up-conventions of modern speak and writing, that works well in google media. Prosecutorial. Makes me think of one taking the offensive. Not that doing so is offensive, but more so, I relate with all things football this time of the year. NFL. And I bury this word in the mud, prosecutorial is about going on offense. Me, I like defense. Putting 300 pound men on the line and beating the crap out of the other guy, facing you. So that’s how I handle the word: prosecutorial. I don’t think its really a word, but that doesn’t stop me from figuring out the overkill part.

Word three. Overkill. And I have plenty of help with figuring out what overkill means. Simply stated, it means: excessive. And because I am part of the warrior crowd, I have a flashback. Comes as a voice in my head. I see it clearly. "Step away from the window." For me, this is a quote or line from the movie, made in 1975 by Robert Redford and was Pollack’s most accomplished film: 3 Days of the Condor. Explains it all to me. There is no confusion. Bad guy says, "Step away from the window, please." Then kills the nice oriental lady who says, "I won’t scream." And its brilliant. Explains it all. Overkill. Excessive force. It is the shooting that kicks off the plot of the movie and follows me around for the rest of my life. Is a brilliant set-piece of cold efficiency. I get it.

As for the phrase: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. I don’t get it, but feel better now, a day later that I have taken the time to break it down, and in my own way, dispose of it. Now I am ready to write a blog, which I title: Melbourne Toast Company. But before I do this, want to say that Von Sydow’s chilling hitman in the movie 3 Days of the Condor, 1975 has prepared me to deal with Google News Headlines and do so without doing any harm to the guy sitting next to me on the commuter train. That is a good thing. Am able to accept the idea that there is a lot of porn on the internet. Am able to handle the concept and the word. Voyeuristic. Am okay with that and the notion that people watching is like a good hobby these days, 2014. Is ok: : observing unsuspecting individuals. Have learned: its the norm. No worries.

Need to work on using our words. Explain the situation a little better. "…voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill…" means very little to me today. Yesterday’s attempt at getting my attention. Did it work. Not sure. Must have. It is in my blog. And now, I am good to go.

I have used up all the time allotted for writing a blog. Like to keep it short, but today it feels like I have exhausted myself and the subject, before it even starts. Woke up and had a little time on my hands. "Write a blog." Was the voice speaking to me. So wasn’t sure what I would write about. So I made up something. Typed the words: Melbourne Toast Company into google search. And doing so and looking at the endless possibility of site returns, got me excited. You see, Melbourne Toast Company does not exist. It is a manufactured facet of my imagination.

It came to me. I expanded on it by involving google search. I like the way Google operates. They take the words I type, do a search and return an endless list of sites that might satisfy my inquiry. Of course we know, it is a grand business scheme to sell my information to somebody. Advertising and well, its just the way things are in 2014. Nothing is free. Words draw attention and we go from there. So tomorrow I might look at my notes and expand on what is there. As for Melbourne Toast Company, as far as I know, it doesn’t exist. Is part of the flashback morning I am having. Is what happens when you send young men to war, then release them in society and yes, 50 years later they are still around. Writing blogs.

Left alone, I begin to create. Use the first 7 days of Genesis as my model. Break it down in tablet form. Moses and Stone and Word. "Word." And on the screen it pops up to remind me, there is dynamic tension between us. "Word, my man. What’s up?" And this is my cue to get the ball rolling, present and represent. Am centered and have a place to start. Word phrase and will break it down, using the three words in front of me. Starting with Voyeuristic, which in the old days suggested something we didn’t talk about in the Victorian Era. Voyeuristic, with lots of porn on the Internet, so it kind of confused me when I saw the phrase: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. Had no clue what this news banner was telling me. So I did as I often do.

Typed voyeuristic into the google search place and was able to orient myself and relax a little, when my screen prompt returned this: voyeurism: observing unsuspecting individuals. Was able to shrug and move ahead. Next word. But wait, want to mention that I was okay with the message or idea that in the new world there was this on-going process and probability that people watching was the current rage. Snowden and Wikileaks and events of disclosure about how we have become a surveillance society world-wide, and its okay to just know, without you knowing it, somebody might be watching you. Tis okay, but I object to using the word, voyeuristic. Must be another word they could have used. But now I have cleared that up for myself. Onto the next word in this 3-word-phrase.

Next: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. The word is prosecutorial, when I type it here, shows vocabulary or spelling error. Which makes me think its not a word at all, but one of those made-up-conventions of modern speak and writing, that works well in google media. Prosecutorial. Makes me think of one taking the offensive. Not that doing so is offensive, but more so, I relate with all things football this time of the year. NFL. And I bury this word in the mud, prosecutorial is about going on offense. Me, I like defense. Putting 300 pound men on the line and beating the crap out of the other guy, facing you. So that’s how I handle the word: prosecutorial. I don’t think its really a word, but that doesn’t stop me from figuring out the overkill part.

Word three. Overkill. And I have plenty of help with figuring out what overkill means. Simply stated, it means: excessive. And because I am part of the warrior crowd, I have a flashback. Comes as a voice in my head. I see it clearly. "Step away from the window." For me, this is a quote or line from the movie, made in 1975 by Robert Redford and was Pollack’s most accomplished film: 3 Days of the Condor. Explains it all to me. There is no confusion. Bad guy says, "Step away from the window, please." Then kills the nice oriental lady who says, "I won’t scream." And its brilliant. Explains it all. Overkill. Excessive force. It is the shooting that kicks off the plot of the movie and follows me around for the rest of my life. Is a brilliant set-piece of cold efficiency. I get it.

As for the phrase: voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill. I don’t get it, but feel better now, a day later that I have taken the time to break it down, and in my own way, dispose of it. Now I am ready to write a blog, which I title: Melbourne Toast Company. But before I do this, want to say that Von Sydow’s chilling hitman in the movie 3 Days of the Condor, 1975 has prepared me to deal with Google News Headlines and do so without doing any harm to the guy sitting next to me on the commuter train. That is a good thing. Am able to accept the idea that there is a lot of porn on the internet. Am able to handle the concept and the word. Voyeuristic. Am okay with that and the notion that people watching is like a good hobby these days, 2014. Is ok: : observing unsuspecting individuals. Have learned: its the norm. No worries.

Need to work on using our words. Explain the situation a little better. "…voyeuristic prosecutorial overkill…" means very little to me today. Yesterday’s attempt at getting my attention. Did it work. Not sure. Must have. It is in my blog. And now, I am good to go.

I have used up all the time allotted for writing a blog. Like to keep it short, but today it feels like I have exhausted myself and the subject, before it even starts. Woke up and had a little time on my hands. "Write a blog." Was the voice speaking to me. So wasn’t sure what I would write about. So I made up something. Typed the words: Melbourne Toast Company into google search. And doing so and looking at the endless possibility of site returns, got me excited. You see, Melbourne Toast Company does not exist. It is a manufactured facet of my imagination.

It came to me. I expanded on it by involving google search. I like the way Google operates. They take the words I type, do a search and return an endless list of sites that might satisfy my inquiry. Of course we know, it is a grand business scheme to sell my information to somebody. Advertising and well, its just the way things are in 2014. Nothing is free. Words draw attention and we go from there. So tomorrow I might look at my notes and expand on what is there. As for Melbourne Toast Company, as far as I know, it doesn’t exist. Is part of the flashback morning I am having. Is what happens when you send young men to war, then release them in society and yes, 50 years later they are still around. Writing blogs.
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