The clock is ticking. All sights are set on temporary. Talking about it won’t change a thing, but sometimes between friends and family, communication and the sound of music is comforting. I remember Robin Williams made me laugh. I remember Bogart and Bacall. Thought life could be like that, and did not prepare me for marriage with a regular voice. Thought Becall’s voice was sexy, and that nothing would change that. But change came. Even my most sexiest mate could not save me from the drastic affects of aging. So its old news, as I read the morning paper, that people come and go.

Old news and am spending less time reading the paper delivered in the rain by an inspiring paper-boy, who gets up at 4 A.M to make sure you have your paper at first light, with first cup of coffee and before you are out the door to go to work. Disturbing the century old pattern of sitting at the table, or in the subway or on the rail down from Connecticut reading, while headed for the city. Those days are gone. There are no jobs. And if we are fortunate, we work at home. No commute. To have this all unfold in real time brings forth revelation.

Times have changed. We do our best to get by, raise our family, and have a quality of life we want to expand on, for the sake of our children. Having said that, Robin Williams and he made me laugh. And its my nature, to stare down danger and be a storm chaser, so laughing is not what you get, when you think of me. Think: The Long Game.

So Talks Are Dead-locked, is not a political topic. More so, its about the passing of things I loved. The great ones and with innocent eyes, I sat on the lap of greatness, and took it all in. I have never spent a lot of time, trying to reconcile differences. Am aware that movies and Hollywood are for the young. Those who still have their looks and on-screen sex appeal. Over time, we have seen so many variations on the Come-Here-Look. Then comes Lauren Becall and the voice. And just when we needed more, Bogart shows to give us adventure and suspense. Then comes Robin Williams and Mrs. Doubtfire.

Comes the cultural wars, and women out and about, in the workplace. Sharing and Caring at home, but in the workplace, is something that is disturbing; competition and do-what-ever-is-required: Hillary-style. And over time, I did find that disturbing. Not sure talking ever settled the chaos of the gender battles. So I tried to stay out of it. Strong silent type, with The Long Game.

Stay on topic. Madonna and she was the first to remind me, dancing on a stage in scanty attire is not the same as love and affection in the bedroom. Talks are dead and locked away. Conversation after making love, is different than what you see on television and in Hollywood movies. But these things come and go. Women now join men on the commuter train. Jostling and a quickie. No time for conversation. And is where the idea of talk being in the land of the dead, and not
Live-in-the- Present-Moment etched itself in mind.

And I miss that. Sitting at the table. Newspaper in hand. Pretty lady in makeup, before the sun comes us, serving coffee. And one thing leads to another, as we are young and always in the mood. Have not had our first child yet. Back to bed. Late for work. The results are surprising. He calls his boss. Uses man code to explain the situation. Long Game and I will be a few hours late, but will work into the night. That big deal will happen. "Count on me." And over the years, we grow old together.

Lauren and Bogey. Robin Williams makes me laugh. Sure the truth of the matter is disturbing. Is why we don’t really talk about it. Why we say: "Talks are deadlocked." Is why we learn to cordon off our emotions, and keep our distance concerning most things. But at the end of the day, it all speaks for itself. Things play out. The great ones come and go.

And in the middle of something, we remember. He was great. I enjoyed his long game. "Now when was that? 1950’s. 1980’s. 2001." Miss and Mister. Will not really talk about it and reveal our most intimate feelings and times together. Will leave it as the morning headlines declare to me. Talks are Deadlocked. And will leave it to my imagination, the real behind the scenes details, when they turned the lights down, turned up the music, and lit the candles. No sequel. Quite the original. My man . The Long Game.

Back in the day, when Lauren and Bogey and Robin Williams inspired me. Back in the day, before the talks were deadlocked." And the women walked out. Joined the work-force. And became part of the cultural wars. Then came the politicals, and its true. We don’t talk much any more.
You and I.
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