What works for me, is that I like being with you. Now that statement comes with a reservation. Am in the moment, and flush with excitement that I am in a new cycle, have more energy and with that comes greater flexibility and reach. Not sure what that means, as I have been exploring the world of new words and pop phrases, and even when I think I know what others are doing and saying, I don’t. " Hold please." This is what I say when the phone rings, and I pick it up, do not recognize the voice, and am instantly aware, I will be hanging up in the next 60 seconds. But have refined my moves now that I am middle age and regressing. Not as fast as I once was, tolerance and stamina and not keeping up with emerging youth. Youthful marketing practices. And since I am still around, variations on the theme of keeping up or dropping out, are apparent. " Hold This Please." Is my way of saying: "Am about to drop the hammer on you. It would help if you remain clam and still. Eye sight isn’t what it use to be." And like the things I have seen lately, I wonder. "Is this working?"

After a long absence, I am now showing up for a flurry of blogs, one arriving after the other, on the same or consecutive days. Interest rises. Comment and chatter, and experience has shown, this is the way it is. And why not. Have some time on my hands, and have learned to use the computer to provide my remote and extended needs. Just want to talk to you. Might be tricky to be in the same room with you, in the right space with a cup of coffee or tea in hand, having this conversation. In the old days, if you were not local and available, I would not flirt or show interest. Just no percentage in all that. Travel and work. Road play and it didn’t last very long. Eventually everybody went home, and that was that. Emmm. How things have changed. You know, but then you don’t. Are we local or too far away, to make this work. Of course the answer is your intent, and staying power and resources. And it is just one of those things. You never know when she says, "Hold the toast.", what might happen.

Working on the idea that I like being available. It is just more complicated now, but over time I have learned. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Is what is happening for me this week. Have been in remission, not that I have cancer or any bad stuff, but something has been taking away my natural energy, and writing blogs, which I love to do, because it connects me with you, has become a once a month event. Not enough, even for one like me, but like I said. " In this new age, we learn what to do, or we fall away, like summer fruit beyond its best days, fresh off the tree."

Am with an observation I would like to share. Blogs are a form of entertainment. There are professional blogs and bloggers, and those are of the serious kind. I am not serious and maybe putting myself out there, in the present moment, only to pull back at a critical moment, disappointing and not splendid, complete with reservation, he remains polite. Sometimes he is hard to read. Not sure what he is really about, but give the benefit of the doubt, when he says: "Hold this please." And you do, never realizing the hammer is about to fall, and that will spoil everything. My observation: When we write blogs endlessly, we run out of material. Too many consecutive days of blogging might spell trouble. The audience wants to be entertained, but when you become predictable and start repeating yourself, only a few remain. And that is okay with me. Over time I have learned, stoney blogger doesn’t appeal to all that many. His material is like that. Chaotic. So when we blog everyday, we do so with a certain amount of risk that we will lose our audience.

I handle this by staying in the moment. Can’t be at my best all the time. There will be highs and there will be lows. It is to be expected. I write. I post. I talk with my comment people. Not sure if I am hoping for more. Been doing this long enough now, that it just delights me when I have the energy to do it.

I have a couple more things to say, before I run off. Not sure 3 days in a row will satisfy you, but I will try my hardest to entertain you, as I can. Was up early this day. Already finished a load of laundry. 4 hours into my day, and tomorrow I will be out and about, going to a Friday night NFL football game. Then, it will on hold for 2-3 weeks. And of course, it is a little disappointing, because I am expending resources and energy for preseason football, which is over priced and so not necessary for the regular guy. Most guys can wait for the regular season before they commit. But then again, that is the others and perhaps they are younger and well at a different stage of life than I am. In the present moment, and I am going for it. Putting myself out there. Respond when she says, "Maybe we should make a reservation. When will you be here?" And that is when the smart-phone replies: "Hold please. I need to check my schedule."

So wanted to tell you that I am staying away from all things, bad news and world news, which seem to be the same thing for the moment. So that limits me. But did notice something that I thought would be appropriate to share. Goes along with my first blog, Melbourne Toast Company. Centers on the down-under place. Was reading a couple of hours ago, about how the spiders, namely The-Golden-Orb-Weavers, found in cities like Sydney and Melbourne are bigger than the ones found Outback in the bush. Am looking at pictures and they are big and scary. Spiders and is a variation on City-Rats. Big guys. Big and Scary. And now there are some very smart researchers investigating what could be behind this. More concrete. More people. Bigger spiders, and they suggest they are harmless. But I don’t see it that way.

So that’s it. If you were to sit with me today, across a table, conversing and having a drink, you might be happy for the simple reason that I just did laundry, and his nails and shirt and trousers are clean. Of course it would best if you talk first. Have your say and time on center stage. And I say that, for the very reason that you just never know with him. What comes next, and he says, "Hold this please." And then goes off to slay some spider he spies across the room, because they are creepy and things like this, he likes to do. Lives for the moment when the hammer falls, and people say. " What the heck." But in the end it is a good thing. Less spiders and city-rats around. And he is happy, if you are.
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